Did You Hear That?

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So because we have no idea what the time is, or when the sun would normally be up, we all basically had to sleep when we got tired, and we all just awoke when our bodies felt necessary. None of us mind though, we actually enjoy being able to do our own thing. Princess Luna is not the least bit uptight. She always let's us do what we want whenever we please. Right now, she's granted MagPie, Gari, and I time away from our work in the newfound town. We all decided we'd cross the river to play around the great oak tree. "C'mon spirit! Bet ya' can't climb this tree like I can!" MagPie shouted over Gari's giggling at her hanging upside down on the limb of the tree like a monkey would. I glared up at her from on the ground and sneered at her playfully. "Oh yeah? Watch this!" I pointed my horn toward my back and an orange glow began to form. From my back, wings of a butterfly began to sprout. As they sprouted, Gari began to giggle and awe at the sight of such brilliance. The wings were full, and I began my ascent into the air. "I bet I can climb as good as you!"


"Nuh-uh! That's not fair! I said climb, not fly. You're a cheater!" I called after Spirit. He couldn't use his powers like that! "Where'd you even learn that?!" He laughed at me, and replied with a side grin. "Rarity taught me. You didn't say I couldn't use my powers!" I stared at the wings, filled with awe. Taking a closer look, I could see the middle of the wings starting to deteriorate, from the magic being so flimsy and discordant. I didn't dare utter a word of it, for I figured he'd get what he deserved for cheating. Spirit began to speak again. "See MagPie?" He galloped through the air around the tree and filled Gari with laughter, and he landed on a branch, pushed off, and soared through the air once more. "I told you I ca- wh- who- whoa!" The wings disappeared and Spirit fell to the ground with a loud thud. Gari and I exploded with chuckles. Spirit sat up and rubbed his head with his hoof gingerly, "Oh yeah, laugh now you guys...karma will get you two." He muttered. "That's a bunch of p-" and no sooner than I tuner to look at him I fell off of the great oak branch from which I sat. Now, it was Spirit and Gari both laughing. Gari giggled out "You guys're funny! I-I-I can't breathe!" And he fell on hi back with laughter. This made me laugh, as much as I wanted to be mad. The three of us lay in the pillow soft grass, laughing until we bawled. Everything seemed perfect. Eventually, we began to drift to sleep. Then, we were awakened. Suddenly, we heard the bushes rustle, and our laughter faded away. We ogled at the tree line, where every bush had grown, and watched for any sign of life out there. Again, we heard rustling, but we couldn't make out anything. The three of us gathered together, backs against the tree under which we lay, heavily breathing from fright. A dim yellow glow began to appear to my left, and I glanced at Spirit sitting in the middle of us all, using every bit of energy he could scrounge up to create a light source. We all tiptoed up to the tree line and looked again, still finding nothing... "What do you think it was?" Gari pondered. "No clue. I can't see anything." Spirit replied. They turned around, heading back to the tree. I wasn't so easily persuaded though. Something made the bushes rustle, and I wanted to know what it was. It couldn't have been gone, so I continued the search for whatever it was.


"Shh! Quiet down everypony!" Shining and I poked our heads out enough to see a slight yellow glow, walking away from us. Whoever it was, obviously heard our men moving about and were searching for us. Then I looked to my right, and say the grey filly still standing there, tracing every leaf carefully. I nudged Shining, and nodded towards the little filly. "Whatta' we do Cap?" I questioned. He glared past me a moment, then finally answered in a faint voice, "We wait. We will let her look us over, and then follow her silently back to whatever civilization she goes to. There, we will look for the Princess." Everypony nodded, and we awaited the little filly, anxious to find Luna. I couldn't wait I get back to Twilight. I knew she was missing me anyway. I grinned slyly, for poor Shining didn't know about Twily's little crush, nor did she know I know either.

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