The Guards

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Flash Sentry and Shining Armour were commanding the royal guards. They all ran, in search of Princess Luna, the wind and rain splintering their faces. They'd been running and looking for hours and were growing even more drained of energy every step they took. Understandably, Shining called for a moments rest. As they all sat, he prepared himself to speak in front of the group and called them all to attention. Pacing back and forth in front of the guards, he brought himself to voice. "Men, I know you are worn out, as am I. We are ALL in need of something to eat and most importantly we need water. I will send a few of you back to the castle to fetch those things, and also, for tonight we will camp here. Be sure to wake on the right time, because today will be the last day, until we find Luna, that we see the sun for a while. When you awake, it will still be night, and it will be more difficult to discover the Princesses whereabouts. Flash Sentry and I are your commanding officers, so if something were to happen to one of us, you are to listen to the other." The rain was pouring down on the I soaking everypony from horn to hoof, and it was getting harder to see. Realizing this, Flash acted quickly. "Ammo! Navy! Head to the castle and get food and canisters of water. Bring as much as each side of your saddlebags will hold. Get going! If you don't hurry, you more than likely won't have any time to sleepy, so I would suggest leaving now." AmmoBelt and NavyGeneral took on their duties and galloped into the rain, fading from view. Flash Sentry called out again, "Alright men, get to your tents and get some sleep! We have a lot of ground to cover, so don't stay up much longer. I'm retiring to my tent now anyway." He trotted off to his tent and it seemed no longer than 10 seconds went by and he had already fallen asleep. Everypony else did as they were told, and before anypony had time to say 'Goodnight' they'd fallen out. Now they just needed to wake up at the right time and find Luna.

The next morning...


I managed to peel open my eyes, to The same night as we fell asleep to. My guess was Luna ha refused to make way for the sun and continued to hold her full moon high. "Flash, guards! Up an Adams colts, we got work to do and a lot if ground to cover. We have no time to mess around. As of now, it is..." I glance up at the sky "Well, nopony can really tell what time it is. It won't matter anyway. We cannot rest until we find the Princess. Gather your things and get going. Hurry men hurry!" About a half hour later, all the tents were packed up and all other supplies were tucked away inside them. I sent AmmoBelt and NavyGeneral like edits to the castle again, since they are my fastest runners and know this land like the back of their hooves, to put away the things. We were absolutely NOT stopping until we found the Princess. I have no problem with Luna, but this is just ridiculous. Yes, she is quite young, but she should have known that everypony is still weak from the Discord encounter a few months ago. It pains me to think that the two sisters are rivaling again. Only this time, I hope no one get banished to the moon for a thousand years or better.

Authors Note: guys, I'm really sorry it's been like forever since over updated :( I've been extremely crunched for time with all these grades and family and vacation going on, but I try my absolute best to write for you whenever possible. thank you for reading, I'm always open for suggestions and I LOVE to get comments from my readers. :)

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