The Truth

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We were at the Mountain of Mischief, and all we had to was climb to the very top.

'So. These Carriers they're like us right? Except they only walk on two feet.' I said

'That's right. Most of them are over 5 centuries old, but they look very young.'

'Oh. This I'd like to see.'

'Sure if you could stop talking and start climbing.'

'Whatever you say.' I laughed. I can't believe that I was taking orders from Mike.

I was at home sitting on my couch, drinking beer whole day, when suddenly there was this knock on my door. I opened it to see who it was. And to my surprise I saw that it was Kate.

'Kate. You shouldn't be here.' I said.

'I know. Can I come in?' She asked.


I made way for her to walk into my house and closed the door once she was in.

'So what do you want to tell me?' I asked her.

'I came to apologise for the way I reacted last week.'

'Why are you apologising? I was the one who killed all those people. Your father included.'

'Yes but you were the wolf who saved me in those woods and for some reason, you did not kill me. Why is that?'

'I can't kill you because - uh -'


'It's very hard to explain.'

'Well I would like to know.'

''s a little something that us werewolves call imprinting. I'm sure you're familiar with it.'

'I have heard about it, yes. Wait, you imprinted on me?'


'Why didn't you tell me this sooner?'

'Because I was afraid of what you'll think of me.'

'Chris. I don't like people for what they are, I like them for who they are. And I can sense that you're not like other wolves.'

'But I am. You're the only human that I've spared, the rest I've just killed without giving it a second thought.'

'But would you still do it? Would you still kill people?'

'No. I've tried, but I can't do that anymore.'

She moved closer to me and gave me hug.

'You're not like the others, because you've learnt how to feel emotions and that makes you more human than wolf.'

'No, I'm not human because humans don't accept us in this world. They despise us just because we're dead, because we try to survive.'

'I don't despise you. What do you have to say about me?'

'That you are a crazy person taking a death risk. Which is probably the bravest thing I've ever seen.'

'Thank you. You're the bravest wolf I've ever seen.'

'And strong and fast.'

'And a bit modest too.'

She held out her hand and reached for mine.

'Come with me.'

'Where are we going?'

'We're going outside.'

'What, why?'

'Because, you need some time to put yourself together.'

I walked out the back door and changed into the wolf. Katherine reached out to touch me, her hand moved through my fur.

'Get on my back.' I told her.

'How can I hear you?' She asked.

'Because I imprinted on you. You're the only human that will be able to understand me.'

I bent down so that Kate could get on my back.

'Hold on tight.' I told her. 'This could get a little bumpy.'

I ran as fast as I could into the woods, dodging every obstacle in my way. I could feel Kate's arms wrapped around me.

I kept running until the end of the woods. There was this open field and in the middle was a little pond.

Kate climbed off my back and watched as the sun glistened the water.

'Wow. It's beautiful.' She said.

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