Chapter one: New year, new me!

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"Don't be stupid! You can't entirely change just because it's a new year!" he rolled his ugly eyes at me . I huffed and watched a little cloud leave my cold pink lips. Whatever he's an idiot. "Happy new year!". I called out to passerby strangers. "Happy new year's eve" a man in a black coat smiled at me and patted my head. I surprised him with a hug. After getting what I wanted I let him go. He asked me "where are your parents little girl?" They sold us off as slaves.

Panic tried to get the best of me but I calmed myself. Just remember what Levi told me. Point at a random parent, and then quickly leave. I looked behind the man, immediately pointing to a woman with a toddler. I said in my most innocent voice ever "There's my mama!" With a confused face the man asked "You're Tasha's daughter?" Realizing my mistake, I ran past the man, taking his wallet with me.

The cold wind was blowing my hair. I turned on a familiar street and bolted inside the third abandoned house on the Avenue. With a loud slam, I shut the door behind me. "Crap! I hope he isn't awak-" Two big hands grabbed my sides and lifted me off the ground and spun me around. "Ahh! I got'cha now!" My big brother, Levi, dropped me. I fell hard and now my butt hurts. " Levi!" I turned around to face this 17 year old, bootleg human version of Mordecai from regular show I call my loving brother. Arms folded, he looked at me with questioning eyes and asked me impatiently "where were you?"

"Out" I stated simply. Fixing my features to resemble his mom face and folded arms.

"Where is 'out'?"

"Belnord hotel"

"And why were you there?"

"Look, I don't have to explain to you of all people when, where and why I go out. I'm 14, leave me alone." I slowly moved the wallet behind my back. If he found out what I did, he'll surely lecture me.

"It's because you're only 14, why I can't leave you alone. I'm the oldest in this house and since we don't have parents you have to listen to me for guidance and what's that you're hiding behind your back?" His eyes followed the movement of my arms.

"My back? What back? I don't have a back!" I feebly lied.

He glared at me. His glare seemed to penetrate my very soul causing me to shift uncomfortably. He was trying to intimidate me. Knowing it's better to not lie to him again, I exposed the wallet.

"Leila..." he drifted off and hugged me." You don't have to steal to support us. I have a job that provides enough. Stop worrying, okay?"

"But selling drugs is not a safe job!" I tried to protest.

"No Leila. You're not becoming a criminal like me. That's the last thing I want."

I huffed in a silent protest. He chuckled at me and walked to the kitchen. "Dinner is almost ready. Go set the table."

I sulkily walked to the living room to see an already set table." Stupid." I mumbled and sat down at the table. But you're glad to have him. With two plates in his hand, Levi danced out the kitchen. Spinning and grinning like the idiot he is. He placed my dish on the table infront of me and said his "killer catchphrase : Sanji made the day!"

He watches way too much anime. Especially one piece.

"New year, new me!" I dug into his delicious cooking. Curry was my favourite. I'm pretty sure I could eat a million of his cooking and never get tired of it. Smiling and eating, my brother sat beside me, with an intense look on his face, resembling a ten year old playing video games. Surely judging if his food was tasty or not. He should really become a cook. "I told you already. You can't change entirely because of a new year." He muttered. I pretended that I didn't hear him.

"Hey onii-chan" he looked up from his meal, rice and curry on his face and all. I bit my tongue to keep me from laughing. He was such a weaboo. I hope he knows how much I care for him. He actually took care of me when our parents sold us off as slaves when I was 8. "I love-"

I was interrupted by a loud crashing sound. We ran to the other room to investigate. There I saw a broken door on the floor and the man I robbed in the black coat.

"You lowly thief! Where's my money?" The man bellowed. Levi looked at my scared face then looked at the man. "Don't worry. I'll protect you" with that he charged at the man. He threw a rough punch right in the man's face. The man stumbled back and held his face in pain. Levi took the chance to lunge at the man trying to push him out. The man threw Levi off of him with great force and Levi fell and hit the bookstand. The bookstand shook, gave a great wail and fell on Levi, crushing my brother.

"Levi!" I ran over to him. A hand held my hair and dragged me back. He raised his hand and slapped me. The pain stung my face as I fell back beside Levi. "Please let us go! Your wallet is on the couch! I didn't spend any of it" The man took up his wallet, checked it and left.

With all my strength, I lifted the heavy bookstand off Levi. I placed his lifeless head in my hands. The blood running out of his head continued to stain my hands. "Levi..." I murmured as I cried beside him.


New Year's Day

Levi's pov

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed with bandages on my forehead and a little girl sleeping beside me. I poked her sides till her little eyes opened. She stared at me for a moment confused, then her expression turned into a grateful puppy's.

"Levi!" she shouted and hugged me rather tightly. "You're okay..."her eyes brimming with tears. Acting on lone urge, I wiped them off gently." I'm so sorry".

"Please don't cry little girl, I accept your apology" she smiled and hugged me tighter." But, would you mind telling me who you are?"

An this is a bit crappy cause the word limit is not what I am used to so I wasn't freely able to express myself. Hope you can make it through without cringing

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