Why would anyone?

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It was their 3rd anniversary of "being together".

Tasha and Blake had a love so rich it hid under the thick blankets of lies and deception. It overflowed it's bounds like a never-ending waterfall of "love". Tasha "loved" Blake and Blake loved Tasha. Their three-year standing relationship built on blocks of disagreement proved their love just as much. Unfortunately, this wasn't enough for Blake. Blake wanted more than just Tasha's love. Blake desired Tasha's certainty and all of her to be with him forever.

I mean, Tasha was a very beautiful girl after all. He saw the way those muscular men, dare scorch their eyes over his girlfriend's body. He saw the way Tasha smiled at their gestures. I mean Tasha is gorgeous

Who wouldn't want her?

It's completely normal

Blake heard a rumour. A rumour that tickled his greed in absolute glee. A rumour that tore a smile across both of his cheeks, reaching ear to ear.

'YES', he thought. 'If I do this she'll be mine forever'. It came as a surprise for Tasha. A romantic move on Blake's part. Oh how happy she was! Eagerly ready to boast to her friends about the events her night to come. Oh, how she grabbed Blake and drowned him kisses.

I mean, it was just for pictures, dismissing him after each flash from her phone. He saw the comments that appeared under the picture. Jealousy dripping dark envy from their words. He saw the way Tasha smiled at their gestures. I mean, Tasha is blessed.

Who wouldn't want to be her?

It's completely normal

Blake drove up to a beach. Far away from the comforting eyes of the city folk. Tasha, disturbed the quiet with her memory capturing. Blake followed the instructions of his online friend, excited about his plan.

'YESSs,' he thought 'if I do this she'll be mine forever'. Blake walked up to an iron fence, already decorated by the locks of lovers similar to Blake. Tasha pulled out hers and handed it happily to Blake, her name already written on it. How eager she was! Not knowing the dangers of her actions. Blake placed the lock on the fence with a loud CLICK! signalling the cold night air. Tasha immediately squealed.

I mean, of course she would. If anyone saw the hoard of faceless, milky white mannequins, tearing the flesh of the dark eerie waters, grabbing the earth in an undisturbed, motive paced rhythm tearing after them, they would screech in the purest example of their fear they could manage as well. He watched the way Tasha screeched at their gestures. I mean, she was just standing there like an idiot, waiting to be killed.

Who wouldn't want to hurt her?

It's completely normal

Blake grabbed Tasha before she could run.

'YEsSsS!!' he thought. 'If I do this she'll be mine forever'..

Tasha cried out in realization of her betrayal. Blake threw her in the circle of hungry mannequins. The mannequins quickly grabbing at her from all angles. Tearing lines in her previously untouched white skin, grabbing at the edges, peeling back at it, revealing the pink layer of ragged under flesh dripping in freshly made running red blood, playing the music that each vein, vessel and muscle sang as it's joints tore forcefully apart, spitting the metallic scented crimson liquid that spewed all over her naked, white, fidgeting skeleton and organs. Tasha's screeching came to a stop.

I mean why wouldn't she. Tasha was dead. Murdered in cold blood while watching her boyfriend smile happily at the whole ordeal. I mean, he knew he this was going to happen. He WANTED this happen.

Who wouldn't watch the last moment of her?

It's completely normal.

The mannequins fought over Tasha's exposed skin, waving like a flag in the air. One came out victorious, the others, drawing back into the deep, eerie waters. The blank mannequin joined its limbs into Tasha's skin until it was perfectly matched. There stood another Tasha, emotionless, staring intently at Blake. Blake walked over to this new "Tasha".

'YESSs' he thought.' I KNEW if I do this she would bel be mine forever.

Blake gave a key with a little piece of paper on it to the "Tasha". "Tasha" threw the lock in the deep waters. She turned to Blake and gently kissed him on the cheek. The kiss was cold and lifeless, but Blake didn't mind.

I mean, Tasha was his now. She kissed him without taking pictures. She hasn't checked her phone all night. She only payed attention to Blake. They walked back to the car and drove home, even telling other distressed friends about his methods. He wasn't disturbed nor wasn't he tongue tied in guilt. He didn't care that this wasn't the real Tasha nor the fact that he had his girlfriend murdered in cold blood. Remember he did this because he loves Tasha very much. I mean, Tasha did say she loved him. She did say that she wanted to be with him.

Who wouldn't want to be with her forever?

It's completely normal.

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