Who I Am

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I see myself, everyday

Having fun,

Smiling, smiling.

I see my friends hanging out,

Talking loudly,

Laughing, laughing.

I watch my hair,

Flow around.

Long and free,

Perfect and round.

I patiently wait.

For a chance,

To express myself

As who I am.

I talk to her every day.

She's having fun,

Smiling, smiling.

I see her friends, hanging out,

They're with her,

Laughing, laughing.

I watch her hair,

Flow around.

Long and free.

Soon mine now.

The scissors came,

For the chance,

To express myself,

As who I am.

I see myself, everyday.

She runs away,

Crying, crying.

I see her friends, running out,

Screaming loudly,

Help me. Help us.

I watch her hair,

On the ground.

Shot with blood,

Cuts and wounds.

I wait no more,

It's my chance now,

To her

As who I am.

I see myself, who I want to be,

I see myself, I'm finally me

I see myself

I'm on the ground,

Holding hair,

Laughing, laughing.

I see my friends, probably dead,

They aren't talking,

Ah well, ah well.

I place my hair, on my head.

Long and free.

Mine and dead.

I wait no more,

For the chance,

To take who she is,

As who I am.

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