Death's story

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"Death is inevitable to all living things" yet they never remember to include death himself. Death has been here since the beginning of time. He has seen, heard and thought for himself as he roams the earth giving all living things an eternal rest from their exciting lives. All good things must come to an end right? For hundreds of years death took away the lives of everything he touched without second thought. He fully understood the circle of life and why his job was so important. It didn't matter to him that everyone thought of him as evil while they all praised life yet resent him who was a part of life. "Humans are just attracted to the sweetest of things, even if it is all just a lie"

The only thing that ever bothered death was that he could only kill. His touch was like a poisonous grail. As soon as he lays a finger on a living thing, they immediately die. He could never have any friends of his own. If he tried to pet a puppy, it dies. If he tries to smell the roses it decays into nothing. He could never really enjoy his life when he was the complete opposite of it. This pushed death to be emotionless and sad. Nothing could ever make him happy.

But all of that was about to change. Death soon grew bored. An abnormal boredom of himself. But what came next was not the least boring. Death had to kill a 7 year old girl one day. Kireina was her name. She had severe cancer and was abandoned by her parents in the hospital. He stayed by her side until the time of killing. He noticed how bright and happy she was. He noticed how she was always humming a song to herself. He couldn't remember her ever crying or with a frown on her face. He grew fond of her happiness and soon found himself sub consciously humming the same song she was humming. Without realizing it he became attached to the little girl. She was like a breath of fresh air to him. What peaked his interest the most was how sometimes when he was humming she would stare directly at him as if she could see him and smile one of her award winning smiles that she had. It was always a mystery to him. Finally October 31 it was time for death to end her precious life. Death dreaded doing this but it was his job to. He hovered over kireina and reached out to her but hesitated. He couldn't do it. Kireina turned around and looked right at death. She sat up from her bed and started smiling her beautiful smile. "Where you the one who was always with me every day, the one humming my song?"Kireina giggled at deaths confused look. She jumped out of her bed with intention of giving death a hug. But he stepped back as if he was being attacked, slipped over his own feet, did a summersault and fell on his face. Kireina threw her head back and started laughing. As if her laugh was contagious, death also found himself laughing. The first time ever in his life. Kireina walked over to death and sat beside him. Cautiously death scooted away from kireina so he won't accidently kill her. The farther he scooted away the closer she came. They kept doing this until it turned into a game of tag. Kireina chased death around the room while death ran from her like his life depended on it, yet he found himself enjoying every second of the walking ball of laughter behind him. They ran around for what felt like hours until kireina fell down and started coughing into her hands. When she took her hands from her mouth, her hands were covered in blood. Death started to panic. He tried to take up a tissue box but it decayed as soon as he touched it .He grew frustrated and himself as his face grew to resemble grumpy cat. Kiriena looked at death and laughed at his grumpy cat impression. Her missing two front teeth apparent in her smile. Death looked at her and smiled again.

He decided to transport her out of the hospital room and took her to a white rose field in hopes of making her as happy as she was to him. It worked. Kireina ran in the field laughing. She turned around and called death to play with her. Happily death ran into the field chasing after kireina, leaving a trail of dead roses behind him. They sat down in exhaustion and kiriena started singing a song with a familiar tune

"In this shaken, twisted world, I gradually become transparent, unable to be seen.
Please don't bother looking for me; don't stare at me..
I merely don't want to hurt you, inside a world that came out of someone's imagination.
So please remember me; as vivid as I was.

" add something to it and then I'll ad the final line. It'll be our song" Death started singing

Tell me, please tell me, what this plot is all about.. Exactly, who resides within me?
I'm broken, so broken - amidst this world. Yet you laugh, blind to everything.

Being as broken as I am, I hold my breath,
And it can't be unraveled, it can no longer be unraveled.. Not even the truth. (Freeze)
Breakable; unbreakable - psychotic; unable to go insane
I'll find you, and..!

Kiriena started coughing again much harder than the first time. Death felt sad. He knew that he had to kill her. He had to end her suffering. But how could he? For once death felt happy, needed, wanted, and loved. He finally had a ray of sunshine in his everlasting dark world but he was to get rid of it? He couldn't bring himself to do it. Kiriena saw the sad look on deaths face. She got up and sat right in front of death and smiled once more. Her final smile. She then jumped on death and hugged him tightly. Horrified death pushed her off of him but it was too late. She had already touched him. Kireina went and hugged him again but this time death hugged her back. Death started to cry. As each tear went down deaths face Kiriena wiped them off his face. In her final moments kireina whispered to him "don't be sad. We will always be together from now on. Death is kireina. Death is beautiful. You are beautiful and I will always remember you" death smiled through his tears and keirina smiled at death. He kissed her on her forehead and tightened his embrace on her. Kiriena giggled childishly one last time and closed her eyes. Death placed her lifeless body in the roses and flew up to the sky. The wind blowing his tears away. He took one final look at the rose field on which he lost his happiness. In the roses was a trail of dead roses which formed the final line of kireina s song.

"Paralyzed by the fact that I've changed,
In a paradise filled with nothing but unrecoverable things,
Please remember me".

Song name :unravel Tokyo ghoul

A/n Im the new Shakespeare apparently.....

Jk Jk don't kill me .....


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