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I tore through the forest. The worst decision i made was disobeying my mother and wandering into the forest that surrounded my house. At first, it was fine, but the sun was starting to set and I had lost myself. Not only that, but I feel like I'm being watched... and that only started when I grew scared of the fact I had become lost.

My eyes darted around trying to find who or where the person was watching me might be hiding, only to be met with the inky darkness of the trees that seemed to be closing in on me. If I were claustrophobic, I'd probably be having a panic attack right now, but at this rate, I just might. Trying to brush off the initial feeling as my imagination, I tried to retrace my steps, but the darkness was making my backtracking rather hard. My body shivered as the cold set in, with only one thought in my mind: How did I get myself into this...?

I flinched and jumped in fear,  just as i heard the crumbling of leaves and plants behind me. Whatever that noise was being caused from, i was not gonna stay to witness it. I ran, i didn't care where, i didn't care if I'd go deeper. I just wanted to leave that place and leave whatever that was back there.

I ran and ran, my chest burning from my heavy breathing and my ears throbbing from the strong beats of my racing heart. I only stopped when I tripped over a random protruding root and started rolling down a steep embankment. My vision was a blur as I rolled down endlessly, and as I thought I might keep rolling forever, my body hit something with a loud thud, and I could hear the sound of my ribs cracking from the crash, the wind knocked out of me, and I slowly but surely lost my grip to the waking world

Hours passed when my eyes slowly began to flutter open. I thought it was all a dream, that I'm safe at home, but oh how wrong i was. Panic flared through my body, it was dark. I couldn't be outside in the forest, it's too pitch black in here. I stood up from the hard, cold floor and kept walking in one direction.


I crashed into a wall face first. My eyes felt as if they were going to tear up any minute, this wall confirmed that i am not outside.

Nursing my throbbing cheek, I tried to look around to see where the hell am I. No dice; it was so dark I could barely even see my own hand held up against my face. Knowing that it'll take a while for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, I felt my way around, trying to gauge how big was my enclosure. My hands touched cold hard steel, and judging by the number of steps I took from one corner to the other (20 steps by 40 steps), I guessed that I was in some sort of container. I tried to feel for a door, no dice either. I called out in hopes of anyone to hear me, only to hear my own voice echoing back at me.

I hit my head. "I'm so stupid! Obviously  if it's this dark, there'd be no windows but there could possibly be a light switch." I thought to myself and slowly felt around for a switch or at least a string. I strodded over to the center, or what i thought was the center of the room and jumped around, waving my hands in the air like some crazy kid, until my hand hit the metal string. I grabbed it and slowly pulled it. A very low and flickering light turned on.

My eyes squinted as they adjusted to the light. It was dim and orange, but it was better than nothing. After blinking a few times to let my eyes adjust, I scanned around the area. I was right; I was in the center of the room. It was completely bare, save a rather thin mattress just a few inches away from my feet, a rusty old bowl that looked like it hadn't seen the dishwasher in years, and an equally rusty old bucket which I assume would probably serve as a place for me to do my business. Grimacing, I scanned around the room again and saw right at the middle of the right wall, a small slot. I went towards it and got on my knees to see that it was some kind of slot for food to be brought in and out, and just wide enough for one hand to fit through.

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