Dinner Time

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They kept coming. The warm and wet feeling was nothing foreign to me. It was lovely thing really. It brought light to my emotions buried deep inside me. But light doesn't always represent something good now does it? I tilted my head back and closed my sad, tired eyes.  The darkness behind this screen seemed to comfort me. Like a warm black blanket covering me from a cold cruel world. I look below my feet at the black melting tar hands and faces that were so familiar to me drawing me down. Their screeches of complaint and hatred seemed to be quickening their pull on me as I sunk down farther into an everlasting pit of depression. They pulled and pulled while their words danced in my mind.  Worthless slapped me.  Die caressed me. Disgusting choked my breath. Mistake covered my sight. I screamed and tried fighting them off hoping, praying that someone, anyone will help me. Anyone would draw me out of this pit of depression? The tar faces below me started to laugh a low and boisterous laugh as if to mock me. They had every right to. To hope that someone would aid to me or even try to understand me was like a fantasy dream in which I hoped to have a happy ever after. No one will help me. No can help me. All I can do is to decay into real nothingness. Happy ever after wasn't made for someone like me. I wasn't a cherished princess like snow white. I was more like the evil queen. I was painfully aware of my flaws envied others who dared to be happier than me.

I was hateful and hated. Dreadful and dreaded.  Mean and being mean to. In love yet not loved. I was raised so that envy will claw away my skin until I was all bones and dead. I was envy. I was a sin. Hope is all lost for me. I finally accepted my fate and allowed the tar people to cover me and draw me down once more. I looked up at my warm black blanket that was once warm to me. It cold exterior chilled me. It no longer shields me from reality but, more forced me to embrace it.   I smiled to myself. Quite a sadistic smile really. But it made me realized something.    I am who I am. I can't be changed.  I know I was meant to rot and die but even the evil queen got to have some fun before she was thrown into everlasting hatred right? I was so wrong. My smile meant nothing. It was more of a illusion. Just like myself....

"Yo! Yo kiriena! Child wakes up before I break your head" a fairly vague voice echoed in my head. Immediately my darkness dispersed and a bright, unwanted and unwelcoming light pierced through, almost blinding me. The faces below me screeched and melted off my body, trying to save themselves from the light. I opened my eyes to the bright light and my eyes struggled to focus on the figure in front me. As blur drifted away I started to slowly recognize the figure in front of me. It was short and ragged, wearing a hot pink jacket over her cream crop top and body hugging blue mini-skirt. She set her six inch heels on my thigh, drilling a hole in already damaged skin. She took a slurp of the alcohol from her bottle then placed it on my head. Leaning in she yelled at me in her fish and rum stank breath" the Simpsons will be here in an hour. Hurry up and look presentable" then she cocked her head to the left as if she was listening to the wind. "Although whatever you try to wear you'll still look like a pig" she sneered and walked away I guess to change into her "perfect girl clothes". I got up cursing myself for not standing up to my sister. She always had everyone fooled that she was a golden girl.  Not that anyone would believe me, the disappointment, if I told them the truth.

I dragged myself to my bathroom to get ready. As soon I was finished putting on my flowing red dress I looked at my reflection .she had a everlasting frown below her dull brown eyes and nonexistent eyebrows.  As usual, to protect my perfect family picture I put on my doll face mask that had a professionally painted smile (I learnt to perfect it over the years). My reflection immediately transformed into a familiar stranger. Sure that my mother will be pleased I went down stairs to meet our audience. The Simpsons were already seated at our dining table. My mom was playing the perfect wife in her white gown and pearls talking to Mr. Simpson. My dad was in the far corner flirting with Mrs. Simpson as she gave him her number. He was the only one without a mask. He's the reason my mom had a drinking problem. And my sister was seen talking to Jake Simpson. Her hand on his leg.( I knew he used me to get close to her.) I came downstairs and everyone stared at me.  "Good she's finally here" my other announced. "Shall we begin dinner?"  She sat the dining table and I braced myself for another perfect family play.

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