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~Your POV~

I was in the bathroom cleaning up when the door opened. I turned around and saw the queen bees of the school. Mac, Rachel and Jenny. (No offense if those are your names you can change them if you would like to.) Jenny was the leader of the trio.  They looked at me and purposely bumped into me on their way to the sinks. "Did you see the new guy?" Jenny said. "Which one?" Mac asked. "Toby?" Rachel asked. "No you idiots the skeleton." Jenny said rolling her eyes. "Oh him. Yea he's a total hottie." Rachel said while Mac nodded in agreement. I rolled my eyes and dried my hands. I heard the clicking of shoes on the floor then felt someone grab my hood. "Got something to say?" Jenny said. I pulled back making her stumble. She glared at me and pushed my against the wall. Her pink nails holding me by the throat. I glared at her. "Listen here you...rodent." she said giggling. Her friends laughing behind her. "You learn your place." she said. "I didn't say anything." I said looking her in the eyes. She narrows her eyes before punching me in the stomach. I lean over in pain. She lets go and I fall to the floor. She chuckles and looks at me. She lifts my head with her pointed nail and says, "Learn. Your. Place." before dropping my head and signaling her friends to follow her out of the bathroom. I lean against the wall and gasp for air. I look at the time on my phone 8:02. Great late for class. I stand up and hold on to the wall for balance before limping out the bathroom and head towards my class.

~One moment later~

I was  at my classroom prepping myself. "I hate being late" I mutter under my breath. I take a deep breath and open the door. "Why (Y/n) great of you to join us." the teacher says. She hated you and you hated her. Everyone laughed. In the back of the classroom you saw the skeleton and two girls from this morning. "Go sit back there." she said pointing to the back of the classroom. My eyes followed her finger and I saw it was next to the girl in the blue sweatshirt. Cant get worse. I thought to my self. I moved to the back of the classroom and sat in the desk. The girl smiled and the skeleton frowned. He tap the girl on the shoulder and said something. The girl frowned but got up. The skeleton and her switched places so now I was next to Mr. Bone bag. I sighed and turned my attention back to the teacher. I leaned on my hand. I moved my eyes towards the skeleton. I don't know why but I just watched him. As if on cue he turned and looked at me. "What?" he whispered. "Nothing." I whispered back and turned to the class. I tried to pay attention but for some reason I was struggling. The skeleton just kept coming to my mind. I ended up daydreaming through the class. Only to be snapped out of it when someone pushed all of my things of my desk. I look up and see Toby laughing and high fiving his friends. I sigh and go over to pick them up. I go to grab my notebook when I see a small hand grab it and hand it to me. I look up and see the girl in the blue sweater. I smiled, "Thank you." I say. She starts signing. "Your welcome." she signed. She looked sad when she realized I probably didn't know sign language. I giggle, "My names (Y/n)." I say sticking my hand out. She smiles at me. "Frisk." she signs before shaking my hand. "Frisk." a voice called. I snapped my head up to see the skeleton calling her. I look back at her. "Looks like grumpy bones wants ya." I say. She laughs and stands up. She runs over to the skeleton and the other little girl. She starts signing something to the other little girl smiling. The one in green looks unamused and starts walking out of the classroom. I grab the rest of my stuff and head out of the classroom and to my next class.

Time skip to lunch NOM NOM NOM~

After class its lunch. I grab my things and run to the gym. Theres a place above the gym no one goes to. I race up there. And put my stuff down. I pull my phone out and play Closer by Chainsmoker. Running to the middle of the room as the music starts.

~This is the choregraphy you are doing. Some parts you can mentally edit.

~After dance~

Im panting heavily when I hear clapping. I shoot my head up and see Frisk and the other little girl clapping. "That was great!" Frisk signed. "Ill admit that was pretty good." the other girl said. I looked at her confused. "Chara." she said putting her hand out for me to shake. I shake it and look at her eyes. They are blood red. She looks away. "Your eyes are really pretty." I say. She looks shocked. "Really?" she asked. "Yea they are sos unique." She blushes and smiles. "Thank you." she says. I smile back and nod. So why are you guys here?" I ask. "Sans got in trouble with a teacher for sleeping in class. We heard music and followed it here." Frisk signed. "Whos Sans?" I asked. "The skeleton whos always giving you the stink eye." Chara said. I nod my head. All of the sudden Frisk starts jumping up and down excitedly. Me and Chara look at her confused until she runs over to her bag and grabs out two tutus. One black and one pink. She hands the black one to Chara and starts putting hers on. Chara rolls her eyes but puts hers on as well. Frisk points to my phone. I nod my head understanding she wants to play something. "We know ballet. She wants us to show you some." I nod my head. "Hey Chara are you guys sisters?" I ask. "Not biologically but yea." she responds. "And how old are you guys?" "15." she says. I nod. We sit in silence for a while waiting for Frisk. "So...Do you know ballet?" Chara asks. Frisk turns her head at me. Probably to see emy response. I nod, "Yea my mom was a ballet dancer so she taught me." I said. Frisk jumps up and down excitedly and pulls up a song. She grabs me and Chara by the hand and pull us the the middle of the floor and starts dancing. Chara follows but not before rolling her eyes. I chuckled and dance as well. I leap and land twirling gracefully. I stop and limp over to the side. The pain from earlyer coming back. Frisk and Chara continue dancing happily.

Sans POV~

I just got a lecture from this teacher about how sleeping is going to make me fail at life. Honestly I could care less but to set a good example for Frisk and Chara I decided to take her advice to consideration. I step out of the classroom and look for Chara and Frisk. I look at the time. We have about 30 minutes of lunch left. I wander towards the cafateria but stop at the gym doors. I hear music. I push open the doors and head towards the music.

Your POV~

I was sitting on the side when Chara and Frisk some over obviosly tired. I chuckle and move over so they can sit next to me. Frisk signs, "That was fun. Also (Y/n), how did you get so talented?" I close my eyes. "My older brother danced hip hop. He taught me." I said. "What other dances do you know?" Chara asked. "Latin, Waltz, and Salsa." I said. Frisk and Chara go wide eyed. "Really?! That many?!" Chara exclaimed. "Where did you learn all those?" Frisk signed. "I leanred Waltz from my little sister. She always wanted to be a princess. She would say "A princess has to waltz!" and then drag me along teaching me. I learned Latin dances from my dad. He always said that no children of his cant be unable to dance any kind of latin dances. And then Salsa I just learned recentky from a friend. Hes a monster and taught me because my father didnt know how." I said chuckling. "Where are you family now?" Chara asked. My face dropped. "....Dead." I choke out. Frisk and Chara went wide eyed. "I am so sorry (Y/n)." Chara said. "Its ok.." I said a tear falling. I closed my eyes to stop the tears when I felt two people giving me a hug. I opened my eyes and saw Chara and Frisk hugging me. I hugged them back and they let go. "Uh can you guys do me a small favor?" I asked. They looked at me and nodded. "Dont tell anyone I can dance." I said. "Why?! Your so good!" Frisk signed. "Thats exactly why. I dont want any attention." Frisk frowned but then nodded. So did Chara. "Thanks guys." I said smiling. "We wont tell anyone." Chara said. "Wont tell anyone what?" a voice asked. We all looked and saw Sans standing my the steps. I stood up dusting my self off. Helping the other two up. "Nothing." I said heading to the stairs. "Bye Frisk, Bye Chara." I said waving. I stopped right behind sans. "See ya Sans." I said before jumping over the railing and running out of the gym as the bell rang.

Woop Woop Done! 1628 Words! I feel proud.

Dancing on my Own {Sans x Reader} DancetaleWhere stories live. Discover now