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Hey whadup boi? Its a author back and as cringy as ever. Alright so before I start I want to say thank you for being patient with me I really appreciate it also I have the entire way this story is gonna go on a piece of paper so it shouldn't be hard to keep updating and such. So again thank you and on to the story.

Your POV

Sans left about an hour ago. I was on my way home from the hospital getting my injuries cleared and all. I wanted to practice dancing but with my injuries I couldn't. I was walking towards the bus stop. I got there and sat on the bench waiting. I plugged my headphones in and waited for the bus to come.

I heard the bus come to a stop at the curb. I got on and paid the price and sat down. I was leaning against my hand and looking out the window. I group of guys came on and sat down behind me. I heard then laughing and talking about me. "Look at that (h/c) girl." they whispered. I sighed and waited for them to stop. I felt the seat sink under someone's weight. "Hey whats the difference between my couch and I?" a voice asked. I sighed and looked at the person. They looked to be a few years older then me and had platinum blonde hair. "Your couch probably gets more ass then you." I said turning away. I saw him from the corner of my eye. He was trying to think of something to say but couldn't. Finally he stood up and walked away in defeat. I sighed and leaned back waiting for the ride to be over.

The bus stopped and I got off. I walked down the street until I came to my house I went to the door and unlocked it. I entered and was greeted by my roommate, (R/n). (I totally forgot if I gave the roommate a name so just make on up. (R/n) stands for roommates name.)  "What are you doing home?" I asked putting my bag on the counter. She tilted her head back at me form the couch. "I got off early." she said. I nodded and sat on the couch next to her. "Where were you?" she asked. "The hospital." I said. She turned her attention away from the TV to look at me. "Why?" she asked. I yawned. "On Friday some people beat me up. I went to make sure I could start dancing again." I said. She let out a loud sigh before turning off the TV. She turned to me and crossed her legs. I looked at her and put my phone down. She took a deep breath before starting, "(Y/n), even though we aren't the closest you need to tell me these things." she said. "Why?" I asked. "Because I'm partially responsible. Also I feel like I need to keep you safe. Even though I don't show it you are special to me. You're like the little sister I never had." She said looking down. I paused for a moment before scooting closer to her. I wrapped my arms around her in a awkward hug. "Ok. I will from now on." I said. She nodded before hugging me back.

After a few awkward minutes we pulled back and she stood up. "I'm gonna go by my parents. They are in town for a bit." she said grabbing her keys. I nodded. "Kay, see you later (r/n)." I called. A few seconds later I heard the door close. I decided the best thing to do with my time would be to nap of course. I laid down and closed my eyes. I almost fell asleep when my phone started ringing. I groaned and sat up. I looked at my phone and saw it was Grillsby. I answered, "What do you want?" I yawned. "You should come down later. There's a dance competition. Your injuries are healed right?" he asked. I sighed. "Yea. But I haven't danced in a while." "The winner gets a $100 and a $50 gift card to any restaurant." "Alright ill be down later." I said. I heard him chuckle. "I'm not passing up free food." I said before hanging up. I stood up and went down to the basement. That's where I had my practice room. I sat down and played through some songs trying to decide on a song. I finally chose one that wouldn't be to hard but should be enough for me to win. I turned on the music and started practicing.

I had finished the song for the 10th time when I realized I had to go. I ran upstairs and put on my clothes. It was a pair of black shorts, a (F/c) crop top, my (F/c) high tops and my mask. After I was set I grabbed my few things and ran out of the house. (This mask below is yours.)


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I had arrived at Grillsby. I walked in and made sure my mask was on. I walked up to the bar. Grillsby saw my. "What up?" he asked. I shrugged. He laughed and passed me (F/d). I took it and moved my mask enough so I could take a drink. "Its going to start." he said pointing to the dance floor. I nodded and headed over. Deciding to wait I leaned against a wall and watched the others dance. The DJ started the music.

It was the end and there was one person left. A very preppy girl who only won because she was hot and danced very slutty. "Is anyone else going to challenge the winner?" the dj asked looking over the crowd. I raised my hand from the back. He saw me and smiled. "The girl with the mask." Everyone turned to look at me. I made my way through the crowd until I was standing across from the girl. She glared at me and scoffed. I smiled under the mask and looked at the dj. He was about to say something until someone came up and whispered something in his ear. He nodded and looked back at us. "So we have just been informed that the last dance has to be a specific type. So some examples are boyish, girlish, hardcore, ect." he said. I sighed. Great my dance is out of the window. I ran a hand through my (H/c) hair. The girl smirked. "Can we do a girlish?" the girl asked. I looked around as everyone agreed. "A girlish one it is." the dj said. "I'll go first." the girl said. I shrugged and put my hands up as I stepped back. She told the dj a song. He played it and she started dancing. And holy shit was she slutty. She was twerking on guys and licking her lips. I almost gagged. After she was done she raised her ass slowly as the people cheered. And by that I mean most of the guys. She smirked at me. I shrugged and thought for a minute. I was thinking when it came to me. "OHH-AHH by Twice." I called. He nodded and played it. I moved to the center and started dancing.

I finished the song and stood up panting. I looked around as everyone clapped. The dj nodded. "Alright. I'm gonna shine a spot light on each of them and you guys need to make some noise for who you think should win. Ready?" he asked. Everyone murmured in agreement. He nodded and pointed the spot light on the girl and there was a good amount of people that clapped and cheered. She smirked and the dj pointed the light on me. The people went crazy. I heard clapping, shouting and whistling. I smiled and bowed. "Take off your mask!" someone shouted. I chuckled. "I'm fine." I said. I walked up to the dj and claimed my prize. "Thanks." I said. He nodded. I walked to the other girl. "Good job." I said. She scoffed and turned away disappearing in the crowd. I shrugged and went up to Grillby. "You win?" he asked. I waved the money and card in front of me. He nodded and slid my drink to me. I moved my mask and took a sip. "I thought you said you didn't dance?" a voice asked.

This was a long one. But I think it turned out pretty good. Alright for now! Good morning or goodnight.

Dancing on my Own {Sans x Reader} DancetaleWhere stories live. Discover now