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Your POV~

I was in my last class of the day. I was waiting for the day to end so I could go home. It was Friday and I wanted to leave. I tap my pencil on the table and wait for the bell to ring. 3:03 I looked at the teacher. She was still writing notes. 3:04 Some kid in the back was sleeping. 3:05. I put all my stuff away and...BING BING BING! I got up and ran to the door like some other kids. I put some of my stuff in my locker and looked around for Frisk or Chara. I wanted to say good bye but I didn't see them. I sighed and frowned. I walked to the bus stop to get on the bus when I heard people talking. "Ahh. What? Are you gonna cry?" a mocking voice said. Toby. I growled. "Ah that's cute! You're gonna save your sister?" I heard a female voice laugh. Jenny. I followed the noise and saw a crowd of people. I pushed my way to the middle and saw Jenny, Mac, Rachel, and Toby all crowded around someone. I couldn't see. I was to far away. I pushed closer and saw one thing that made my blood boil. They were bullying Chara and Frisk. I could feel the anger rushing through my body. I stormed towards them. "Oh look. The little rode-" Jenny tried to say but I punched her before she could finish it. I growled at them. I ran to Frisk and Chara and saw that they had bruises but nothing serious. I helped Frisk up and she hugged Chara. "(Y/N)! you ruined our fun." Toby said. I spun around and put Chara and Frisk behind me. "Damnit you little bitch!" Jenny yelled while now holding her bruised cheek. "Chara take Frisk and run. Go home." I said. "But what about you?" Chara said. "Eh..It doesn't matter. Ill be fine." I said. "Now go." Frisk ran and hugged me from behind. "Frisk...go with Chara." I said. I looked and saw tears coming from both their eyes. "Its fine." I said. Chara grabbed Frisks hand and ran. I turned back to the four. I was going to start talking to them when I felt two hands grab my arms and pull them behind my back. I struggled and tried getting free. Jenny walked up to me and smiled darkly. "I'm going to have a bruise now." She said. "Yea. Her pretty face is going to be ruined." Toby said wrapping a arm around her waist. Before I could say anything Jenny had swung and punched me in the face. She continued until Toby grabbed her arm and pulled out a pocket knife. "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked. My voice shaking. Jenny smiled. She took the knife and traced my arm before pushing it in slowly. Making me scream in pain. She giggled and continued hurting me.

Sans POV~

The girls said they had to go to the bathroom so that's where I was waiting. They still hadent come out yet though. I was getting a little worried. I was about to knock when I heard footsteps slamming on the floor running towards me. I look up and saw Frisk and Chara. Frisk had tears streaming down her face and Chara looked like she was going to cry. Frisk started signing something but she was going too fast for me to understand. "Frisk, calm down whats wrong?" I asked. "(Y/N)!" she gasped out. I was in shock. "Fris-" I started. "Sans you have to help." Chara said. "Its (Y/N). Shes in trouble." she said tears threatening to fall. Frisk and Chara grabbed my hands and start running. I followed.

Your POV~

They got bored and left. Thankfully. I flinched at the pain in my arm and looked. I saw a cut that went from my shoulder to the middle of my arm. It wasn't deep but it was sure as hell gonna leave a scar. My lip had been split open and I had multiple cuts and bruises. I sighed. God this is a shit day. I got up and held my sweatshirt on my cut to stop the bleeding. With that I started limping home. I lived about a 2 blocks away so it wasn't that long of a walk.

When I was about a block away I heard someone yell my name. "(Y/n)!" I turned and saw that it was Frisk. My jaw opened in shock. She ran towards me with Chara behind her. I saw Sans wa;king behind them with his hands in his pocket. I dropped down and hugged Chara and Frisk. "Frisk...you can talk?" I asked. "Kinda but only when I'm really stressed or sad." she signed. I nodded and hugged them. "They missed you a skele-ton." Sans said smirking. "Tibia honest so did I." I said. We both laughed and I stood up. Frisk chuckled and wiped her tears while Chara rolled her eyes. "Anyway. What are you doing here?" I asked. "They were worried about you. They said we had to come help you." Sans said. I nodded still holding my arm. "What happened?" Frisk signed pointing to my arm. They all looked at it. "O-oh...nothing just hurts a bit. They beat me up a bit." I said. "Let me see." Sans said walking towards me. "N-no...Its fine." I said walking backwards. Before I could protest he was behind me with his arms around my waist stopping me from moving. I blushed. I pulled off my sweater so he could look at the wound. His eyes widened and his eye turned blue. "Its fine. Really." I said. "Really? You think this is fine?" San asked with a growl. I shrunk back and his face softened. "Come one guys. We are taking her to Tori." he said. "Frisk and Chara nodded and walked over and grabbed on to Sans sweat shirt. I looked at them confused. He grabbed me by the waist. "Hold on. Also don't let go." I nodded and closed my eyes. There was a flash of blue and then the wind stopped. I slowly opened my eyes and saw we were now inside a house. I looked around in awe. "How?" I asked. Sans chuckled, "Magic." We heard Chara and Frisk laugh and when we looked they were pointing at us. At that moment I realized Sans still had his arm around me. He looked down and there was a blue hue on his face. "Sorry." he muttered letting go. I blushed and nodded. "Its ok." "Children are you home? Oh my what happened child?!" a goat women came out and saw me. "Some kids were bullying Chara and Frisk. So I went to help and they ended up beating me up after Chara and Frisk got away." I said. The women sighed and asked for Chara and Frisk to get some supplies to help me.

Well that fight scene wasn't the best. Wasn't the worst but could have been better.

Dancing on my Own {Sans x Reader} DancetaleWhere stories live. Discover now