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Your POV

I opened my eyes to hear a beeping. It smelt like cleaning supplies. I slowly opened my eyes. . The light hurt my eyes. Once my eyes finally adjusted to the light I looked around. I saw I was in a hospital. I was confused. I saw a nurse next to the computer. "Miss." I said. She turned adn saw me awake. "Oh you're awake." she said smiling. "Why am I here?" I asked. "You were in a car accident sweety" she said. I widened my eyes. I didnt remember a accident. "One minute hun Ill got get your friend." she said while leaving the room. I was about to say something but she was already gone. I slowly pushed my self up and looked around. I looked down at myself and saw that both my legs were in casts. I had cuts and brusies on my arms and thighs. I observed my injujries carefully. While I was looking at them the door opened. I looked and was instantly hugged my someone. "Thank god you're ok. I am so so sorry (Y/n)." he said. I didnt hug back nor say anything. The guy let go and looked at me. "(Y/n)?" he asked. I looked at him. "Who are you?" he looked shocked. "(Y-y/n)?" he asked. I gave him a confused look. "How do you know my name?" I asked. He looked at the nurse. Her eyes were wide. She whispered something to him. His eye sockets widened. He looked back at me. "(Y/N)...Its me...Sans." he said. I tried remembering. "I...I dont know anyone with that name." I said. He whispered something. "What do you remember?" he asked. I thought for a minute. "My...my parents and sibling....they are...dead?" I said slowly remembering that one thing. Otherwise I couldn't remember anything else. He looked at the nurse. "Let me get the doctor." she said leaving the room. He looked at me like he wanted to say something. But he soon decided to not.

The doctor was back and had explained everything to me. "You have amnesia. We think its permenant. We need to run a few tests to find out." he said. I nodded and looked at Sans. He was on the phone calling someone on the phone. I couldn't make out what he was saying though. I turned my attention back to the doctor as he took my blood.

It was about 8 p.m. The guy called Sans had left. The doctor was telling me that I would go to a therepist in a few days. But he said that until then I had to rest. He also told me that I was temporarly paralyzed from the waist down. After finishing up the few test they had to, they left. I laid down on the bed and thought back towards the past few days. I thought most of everything was off at first but now that I actually think about it everything makes sense. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes. I was extreamly tired for some reason. I let sleep take over.

Sans POV

I was waiting in the waiting room for (Y/N) to wake up. I had called Toriel before and told her what happened. I told her I would update her as I was given more information. I heard a door open and the nurse walked out. I stood up and walked towards her. "She's awake now." she said leading me to the door. I rushed in and hugged her. "Thank god you're ok. I am so so sorry (Y/N)." I said. She didnt say anything or hug back. I let go and looked at her. "(Y/n)?" I asked. She looked at me. "Who are you?" she asked. I looked at her and froze. She had forgotten everything.

After being told that (Y/n) had temporary amnesia I had tried to get her to remember me. After realizing that I wasn't getting anywhere I decided to leave. I walked into the house. I didn't wait to talk to Tori. I just went into my room and locked the door. I laid on the bed and looked at the cieling. I didnt want to lose her. I couldnt lose her. I sighed and curled up into a ball. I had to get her to remember everything.

Ok so I failed majorly. I accidentally wrote a chapter for my other Undertale chapter. How do I fail that bad. Anyway this is short because im very tired. I'm sorry that this chapter isnt that long. But anyway I hope you enjoy. Good Morning, Good Afternoon, or Goodnight. Buh Bye!!

Dancing on my Own {Sans x Reader} DancetaleWhere stories live. Discover now