That Old Jacket

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There was once an old jacket
Hanging on my bedroom's door
And I have no idea what happened
I just know it isn't there anymore
A lot of things have come to be gone
And most of them I don't notice
Probably, if something is gone
Its just its fate, to be, or not to be
I don't miss my old jacket
I don't need it anymore
It was in my life while I need it
You see what I mean?
If a box with all I've lost throughout life was handed to me
It'd be useless, just funny to remember of

I have a new jacket on my wardrobe
I hope the old one isn't mad at me
Life works just like that
Its something we all come to see
Just because you left a apple behind in the past
You don't have to go back and lose the tree
Anything but ourselves is made to last
Present's an instant where you plant the seed
And I don't know what future holds for me
But for sure I'll have what I need

We all have our own way
From our birth to our grave
There is anything you should save
Sky doesn't save the water that falls from above
And when you go to Heaven, "the one thing you leave behind is how did you love"!

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