Like Me, Like I Do

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I need to be someone's second priority
Someone that loves me, really
Someone that cares
Like me

You are reading this and you have one of two options
You want the same as I do or someone is already there for you
And I don't beg for anything I don't deserve
I just want someone who loves me, like I do

Someone who would jump in the river for me
Who would never give up on me
Why doesn't no one put in first place
Someone like me

Someone who hugs me for no reason
Someone who understands me too
Someone that always looks forward to meet me
Like I do

I grow stronger each time
So do the problems in me
Who will make my life rhyme?
Someone that ends the same way like me

I'm feeling so low, I want to go
What can I do?
I don't feel high anymore
Like I used to do

*AN* I think I have TPH but this is the Portuguese designation and I can't translate it, sorry
It's near narcissism but not that bad... If someone can tell me the name I d br thankful! This poem and 'No'(coming out tomorrow) are about that!

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