The comming out

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Beca: guys I need to tell you something
Chloe: ok
Amy: I'm here
Stacey: same
Cynthia: here
Jessica: yup
Flo: hallo
Beca: ok so Amy and Chloe already know what I'm going to say. This is hard for my to say
Stacey: u mean hard to type
Beca: yeah. Uhhh guys I'm gay
Cynthia: I knew it Stacey you owe me $30
Stacey: shit why did you come out now and not next week
Beca: you guys were betting on when I would come out
Cynthia: yes...yes we were
Amy: well done Beca
Flo: I'm proud of you
Emily: same
Stacey: you know what this means??
Beca: what
Cynthia: yas
Chloe: guys really
Beca: lol guys I'm done 😂😂

{private chat between Beca and Amy}

Amy: hey short stack
Beca: yo
Amy: I know you are going to be mad but ik ur biggest secret
Beca: what do you know and how did u find it out
Amy: ik you love Chloe and that you you have these weird fantasies about her and the fact that you kissed Audrey at a party when you were drunk I also found out through your diary I found out that you were hiding in the safe in the closet
Beca: you bitch... you say a word and I will kill you. Why the fuck would you read my diary

{private message between Amy and Chloe}

Amy: hey
Chloe: hi
Amy: so I heard from a little birdy that they love you
Chloe: who??
Amy: doesn't matter just try and see if there is any signals people are giving you

{group chat}
Amy: love is in the air❤️💖
Stacey: what are you talking about??
Amy: Beca knows
Beca: fuck off
Chloe: hey Amy told me Someone has Fallen in love with me, who is it??
Cynthia: I bet I can figure it out
Beca: Amy stop
Amy: what are you going to do short stack😂😉
Beca: whatever guys, what are we doing tonight??
Chloe: we can have a romantic comedy night
Stacey: sure
Beca: I hate films anyways so it's not a problem to me
Amy: yeah sound good
Emily: if there is sex I'm not watching it
Jessica: lol yeah I'll watch a romantic comedy

{private chat between Beca and Chloe}
Chloe: hey girl
Beca: heyo
Chloe: have you told Jesse you are gay
Beca: yeah I talked to him earlier and he's cool being friends, he was more like a brother to me anyways
Chloe: good and who is this person who had "fallen for me"
Beca: I have no clue
Chloe: don't lie to me Mitchell
Beca: I'm not Beale
Chloe: lol I'll see you tonight

(Background info)
All the girls had gotten their blankets and pillows and were sitting in the floor, Beca and Chloe were in the kitchen getting all the alcohol out so the girls could all get drunk and watch the movies
"No Beca seriously who is this person?"Chloe wouldn't let the fact that her best friend wouldn't tell her who was in love with her,
"Ok all you need to know is that it is a girl and they have loved you for a long long time," beca could feel herself getting Nervous that she might say something.
"So you do know?"
"Yeah I do but I don't want to talk about it so please leave it,"
"I think I know who it is,this person is one of the Bellas aren't they?"
"Yeah they are"Beca said this very quickly and pretty much ran out of the kitchen with the other girls drinks.
Beca sat on the couch and took 3 shots to loosen up. Chloe came in and cuddled into Beca.

{private messages between Beca and Amy}

Amy: i see you all cuddled up to her there
Beca: piss off
Amy: it's kinda obvious that she's in love with you. Like seriously she is probably in love with you. Just think about it
Beca: just watch the film

(Background info)
At around 11 all the movies had finished and most of the girls were drunk or asleep. Beca,Chloe,Amy,Stacey,Audrey and Cynthia rose were all drunk and the only ones left awake.
"Let's play truth or dare" Chloe slurred
"Yeahhhh we can find out everything about each other," Amy said in her Australian accent
"Ok, Amy truth or dare" no one seemed to notice the fact that Audrey and Cynthia rose had gone somewhere

"Ok who is it that has fallen in love with me" before this point Beca hadn't really been paying attention
"Beca does"
Beca went red.she felt like she couldn't breath. Chloe stood up. Walked over to Beca cupped her cheeks and kissed her. Amy sat there looking shocked. Beca didn't care because she knew she wouldn't remember most of that night in the morning anyways. Beca grabbed Chloe's hands taking her upstairs into her room. Beca grabbed Chloe and threw her on her bed climbing on top of her. They started kissing again,Chloe ran her tongue along becas bottom lip asking for entrance, Beca happily granted entrance. Beca started kissing Chloe's jawline and down her neck. She started sucking and nipping Chloe's sensitive neck skin, she was making sure to leave a very visible purple mark  and we all know what happened from there on. But who in the Bellas house now knew about the pair of lovers little drunken fling?

{private messages between Amy and Stacey at 3am}
Amy: fuck can you hear that
Stacey: I think fucking England can hear that
Amy: I think Chloe's masterbaiting 
Stacey: I'll text Beca cause ik she went to sleep in Chloe's room after getting really drunk
Amy: omg are you thinking what I'm thinking
Stacey: omg you don't think Beca and Chloe are doing it
Amy: omg they are😂😂 I'm going in there
Stacey: don't thy are happy leave them  
I'm too late aren't I?

(Background info)
Amy walked into becas room to see Beca and Chloe going at it. They were so focused and into what they were doing they didn't notice Amy walk into her room. Amy slowly backed out of the room and text Stacey.

{private messages between Stacey and Amy}
Amy: they were doing it
Stacey: wanna confront them in the morning?
Amy: yeah we need to do that😂😂
Stacey: night Amy
Amy: night girl

And with that they all went to sleep.

I'm sorry this may be crap but I didn't have a lot of time to write it plz leave review and give me some ideas that you want to see in this story. That you for all the support I'm getting and thanks you for all the positive messages I'm getting

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