she's dead Aubrey

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Amy, Chloe, Stacey, Emily and flo lock yourself in the basement and Jessica, Ashly, lily and Cynthia lock yourself in the attic,"

"what about you, I'm not leaving you,"

"Amy pull her down there I will be here the police will be here soon I will be ok just look after yourself," Amy hated making Chloe leave beta but knew to do it so beca would never forgive her if Chloe got hurt. Amy grabbed Chloe who was screaming trying to kick her.

"ill see you guys soon and non of you come out no matter what you hear."

(background info)

beca ran up to her room and grabbed a baseball bat, she ran down stairs and waited by the door.


he was kicking the door in, it wasn't that strong of a door so beca knew that it would end badly. the door broke and in walked Jesse with a small crowbar. beca screamed and hit Jesse with the baseball bat over the head making him fall to the floor with a crash. he was knocked out... or so she thought. she grabbed the crowbar and threw it away from them she turned away to look outside the door to see where the cops were. All Chloe heard was a the cops say "the house is surrounded come out Jesse, and with your hands up"


"i don't know where you are Beale but i will get you, i will get you good!!" Jesse shouted

"someone call an ambulance, she's been hit," Chloe heard one of the cops shout she escaped Amys grasp and ran strait into the living room and saw three cops holding onto becas stomach where she had been shot. Chloe pushed the only female cop out of the way of the girl and told the cops she knew what to do and they waited for the ambulance outside.

"hey chlo," beca was still conscious even after all of the blood loss from the bullet hole in her stomach.

"hey baby, how you feeling,"

"ha I feel great you know, I have a bullet in my stomach but I feel great," beca started staring at her girlfriend

"i love are really beautiful and amazing to me"

"beca look at me don't cry you will be ok"

"well if I'm not please remember that i love you, you will find someone that loves you and cares a lot about can settle down with them get married, have the kids you have wanted forever," this caused a small tear to roll down Chloe's cheek.

"where's Amy?" beca wanted to say goodbye to them all before she died.

"I'm here becs"

"hey I owe you $30, you always said I would die before you... I'm going to miss you a lot you know? I'm leaving all my money with Chloe but Amy just remind her that she needs to give you $30... please look after her and please don't let anyone hurt her.... please kill anyone that could possibly hurt her...thank you so much. Love you bitch,"

"I will."


"I'm here girl"

"hey please stop sleeping around and find someone that will love you as much as you deserve them too, find a guy or girl that loves you...please make sure that Jesse goes down for thinking that he could even come near Chloe cause if you don't one of you better....Emily?"

"hey becs,"

"I think you will do great things in life keep going down the path you are going down and never grow are such a sweet person, anyone would be proud to be your mom and please just realise that Benji is really into you and wants to get with you, I know you like him just go and get him, Cynthia?"


"now you are just fucking hilarious love you girl and congratulations on getting hitched, and yes I do know you are getting hitched cause its to my cousin...treat her good cause if you don't i will fucking haunt you."

"Jessica and Ashley i don't know which ones which...but i love you both please don't ever change being your weird yet fucking amazing self's,"

"flo, i love how fucking different you are to these lot, you are amazing and please tell your brother that in the after life id like to meet him he seems like someone i would like he seems like someone id want to be best friends with, look after these lot they need a girl that could kill someone,"

"lily, you scare the fuck out of me and ive never really understood you but you can beat box like a fucking pro so do try and carry on with you amazing skill, guys can you go so i can say goodbye to Chloe," all the girls nodded in unison and left.

"beca, your going to be fine i promise, you'll get through it don't worry,"

"I'm scared Chlo...I'm scared of leaving scared of scared of you forgetting me...please look after them girls, they are all amazing... what sucks is i never got to say goodbye to my dad or my family or even say a proper goodbye to you guys, tell Aubrey i said thank you and that if she looks under my bed i have separate letters to you all, even her."

"you can tell her yourself because you are going to be fine"

"ok as I'm going to be ok... Chloe rose beale... will you marry me?"

"yes. Yes i will. "becas eyes shut and her while body went limp.


the ambulance came and took her to the hospital Chloe in the back with her the whole time. The other girls packed bags full of clothes, food and drinks with a lot of money just in case they needed it.

Beca died for 11 minuets whilst that time Chloe was texting Aubrey

{private chat between Chloe and Aubrey}


Aubrey: ok sweetie i need you to calm down what hospital are you going too

Chloe: BECAS DEAD!!!

Aubrey: she's going to make it for someone her size she's a fucking strong girl, she's going to be ok just tell me where you are going


Aubrey: ok Chloe I'm coming now ill be there in 15 minuets.


sorry this is a short one but I didn't have a lot of time to write.... I know there is very little texting in this one sorry.. hope you enjoyed it don't forget to comment rate and review. the wattpad book awards are coming up so please recommend me for the beginner's category it would mean the world to me.. thanks a lot


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