broken hands and assult

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(private chat between beca and her dad)

Dad: why didn't you tell me I'm a grandfather

Beca: cause you don't care about me, I don't want her to get attached to you just so you can leave and leave her heart broken

Dad: beca I didn't just leave

Beca: no you didn't just leave you took all our money credit cards, car and my trust

Dad: beca...

Beca: ohh and you left a note and then slept with my English teacher

Dad: beca I'm so sorry and I understand where your coming from but you cant stay mad at me forever

Beca: I really can, the only reason you saw me is because mum died and I had no where to go I'm happy and in love with a child, you said I could never be a DJ and in a few months I'm moving to LA with the girls, I'm happy I hope you have fun with your new little slut.

Dad: ok beca, this new little slut is your real mom, jane is your real mom

Beca: no shes not mom is my real mom, shes not my real mom

Dad: your mom never showed you your birth certificate, because shes not on there

Dad: beca?

Beca: fuck you, your not my dad and she will never be my mom

(background info)

beca walked out the house so mad she didn't know what to do, she jumped into her car and drove to her moms grave. she pulled up at the gates of the graveyard. a small tear fell down the alt girls face, she got our of her car and slowly walked up to her moms grave. she stood in front of the final resting place of her mom.

"why didn't you tell me, w...why don't you just say, I... would have loved anyway, you still would have been my mom.... I love you, I have a baby now, I named her after you... why did you go...w...why did you leave me to fend for myself... you know I'm not good on my own... I know ive gotten chloe but I need you. I hate you for leaving me how could you do this to me....agghhh," beca had worked herself up so much that she punched the lamp post next to her, she instantly regretted it though  when a shooting pain ran from her knuckles to her shoulder at this point she knew she had broken it.

"FUUUUCCCCCCKKKK," beca knew she had fucked up, she pulled her phone out and called amy,

"what up short stack?"

"uhh amy ive fucked up and I need you to take me to the hospital like now,"

"fuck sake beca fine where you at?"

"the graveyard,"

"I'm coming now, you need to tell me what you did in the car, ok?"

"yeah cya soon amy," Beca regreted punching that pole but she needed a way of letting out the anger she held at her mom and her father, she heard her phone ring, she pulled out her phone  and checked the caller ID 'sperm downer' hell no is she answering the phone to her dad.


after 20 minuets of waiting beca had found out she had broken her ring finger knuckle.

(private chat between beca and chloe.)

Chloe: hey baby where are you?

Beca: ive been at hospital look what I did,

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