your keeping it

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Amy: where are you guys

Stacey: the abortion clinic a mile away from Barden

Amy: were on our way stop Chloe please, beca will never forgive you if you let her di this to herself

Stacey: ill try but she's a mess

(background info)

beca was on an empty motorway so she was going around 120 miles an hour, within minuets of leaving beca was at the abortion clinic, she ran in and straight past the person at the front desk. there was a few confused looks shot at beca but she just carried on running trying to find the other girls.

"CHLOE!?!" beca needed to find her girlfriend before something happened

"beca were here," beca heard Stacey call from across the hall. Beca ran and jumped into her girlfriends arms hugging her hard.

"you are keeping the baby and I'm staying," beca said sobbing into Chloe's neck

"sorry, i didn't mean to scare you baby," all the girls looked either shocked or really happy but Amy just looked proud.

"i take it there's going to be a baby in the bellas house then?" Stacey asked breaking the silence

"yes and Chloe I've made up a list of names id like to go over them with you?"

"come on guys lets go home," all the girls walked out of there holding hands, from then it was going to be ok for beca and Chloe,

{private chat between Aubrey and beca}

Aubrey: i need to talk to you

Beca: ok about what?

Aubrey: I'm kind of in love and I'm also

Beca: also what and who are you in love with?

Aubrey: I'm gay and I'm in love with Stacey

Beca: are you now?

Aubrey: how did you hide your feelings for Chloe?

Beca: i just did i had too, i was scared to ruin our friendship, but now we are getting married and we are having a baby, so it turned out all good in the end

Aubrey: yeah but i don't think i can hide it any longer

Beca: don't talk to her, i have a strong feeling she wants you too, just go for it Aub

Aubrey: how do i tell her?

Beca: just do what i did, get drunk tell her then then wake up in the Moring with her in your bed

Aubrey: great thanks for the help you fuck nugget

Beca: love you too

{group chat}

Beca: were having a party tonight your all coming whether you like it or not

Amy: cool ill bring drinks we getting mortal beca?

Beca: ill have a few but im staying sober for Chloe

Stacey: that's sweet

Chloe: you don't have to do that

Beca: yes i do

Aubrey: ill drive down later

Beca: ok ill see you all in a few hours

Amy: ok bye girls

Beca: fyi Emily, you are not getting drunk and we need to have a convo

Emily: fine whatever mom, and what's this conversation about?

Beca: just a convo


sorry its short but i wanted you guys to know what's going on with bechloe and sorry to those jeca shippers (sorry, not sorry) hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to review. I'm writing a new book called dirty little secret , it is a bechloe book where beca is an 18 yaer old high school student and chloe is a 23 year old English teacher, when they meet a club they hit it off but when chloe realises that she is teaching her new little crush what does she do?

please go and read it and tell me what you think, thanks a lot.

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