baby trouble

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Amy: hey girls

Chloe: hey

Stacey: hey

Emily: morning!!

Beca: fuck off!!!!!

Chloe: beca be careful with your language around the baby!!

Beca: what baby?

Chloe: Emily

Emily: I'm not a baby!

Aubrey: God Chloe you are like a mother towards that girl

Chloe: yeah ik but she is my baby

Emily: God mum jus let me be a teenager :)

Amy: OMG you can be her mum and beca can be her dad

Chloe: YEAH!!

Beca: nope I'm not having children

Chloe: you'd be a great mother

Aubrey: no she wouldn't she would probably scare the child with those ear monstrosity's

Beca: piss off

Chloe: Language

Stacey: lets have a vote and see who thinks beca would make a great mom

Amy: OK every one who thinks beca would be a bad mo say I

Stacey: I

Beca: I

Cynthia: I

Aubrey: I

Jessica: I

Amy: I

Stacey: ok so 6 of the 11 bellas think beca wont be a good mom

Chloe: yeah but it will be different with our children right beca?

Beca: I don't want kids they scare me

Chloe: oh

Beca: I'm sorry but I just don't want kids I don't think I'm cut out for it you know? all the late nights no sleep dirty nappies and the huge responsibility of having a whole human being.

Chloe: ik what your actually scared of

Beca: what?

Chloe: your scared that you will be like your dad and you will run away and your scared that it will break us up aren't you??

Amy: guys don't have this convo in front of your child

Emily: mom am I adopted??

Chloe: beca?

Chloe: beca I'm sorry but can you just answer me?

Stacey: ill go get her from her room

Chloe: ok

Aubrey: Chloe ik you really want children are you ok?

Chloe: yeah I'm fine I'm just worried about beca, i forgot how bad she doesn't like talking about her past

Stacey: guys there's a problem

Amy: what is it?

Stacey: becas not in her room and i just heard the front door open and close

Chloe: shit guys can we all get ready and try and find her

Emily: yeah lets go get my mom

Amy: ok just let me put some clothes on and ill meet you all by the bellas bus

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