piss faced drunk and goodbyes

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"we are going to have to pretend to be sad," beca knew what she was going to have to do to make it believable,

"why?" chloe was completely oblivious to what was going down

"because I told them we are going to get Amy to go to a funeral, not getting shit face drunk and having a laugh and we are going to have to give Aimee to your mom, will she be ok with that?"

"she loves having Aimee I'm sure it wont be a problem,"

the car stopped outside the prison and beca spoke to the guard

"hello miss can I have your name please?"

"beca Michelle, I'm here to get Fat Patrica,"

"oh amy yeah she said her son died, poor girl ill call in and say your here, can all you ladies step out of the car please, I take it you know how to get to the main reception?"

"yep, thank you officer," all the girls got out of the car and made they're way to the front desk. once they mad it to the small room that consisted of a desk and a tall blonde lady that looked a lot like Aubrey, at one point beca thought it was Aubrey but decided not to say anything after reading her name tag 'syreeta' that's a weird name beca whispered to herself,
"We are here to collect Fat Amy,"
"Ahh she said you were coming, I just need some details and some paperwork done,is that ok?"
"Yeah of course," after Chloe had filled out all the needed information all the girls waited excitedly for the Aussi Bella, to be as surprise Amy came out crying, was she being in character? Was she actually sad? Beca stayed in character walking up and hugging Amy,
"You ready for this?"
"Ready as I'll ever be," all the girls walked slowly to the car

"ok girls, I feel so bad for you amy," the cop said with a sympathetic smile.

they drove off slowly, the second the prison was out of the sight beca and the rest of the girls burst out laughing. They drove off to a large liquor store near the police station,

" I don't think its the best idea to have a liquor store near a prison but whatever,"

all the girls walked into the large store and saw a large scruffy man standing at the counter

"can I help you ladies?" the man had a very gruff voice.

"yes we need the strongest shit you have and a lot of it,"

"uhh we have a lot of vodka and wiskeys but nothing majorly strong, just look around and Ill tell you if its any good,"

"ok thanks you," all the girls had $20 each to spend on what ever drinks they wanted,

when they were all done getting their drinks the man at the counters mouth fell open,

"I don't think its legal for me to sell this to you," he chuckled to himself

"that will be one hundred and eighty dollars please," beca handed the man the money and went back to the house. When they were back they all went to the kichen to unload the large amount of alcohol,

"that a lot of alcohol guys," Emily looked very concerned,

"and? its not like your having any, anyways"

"I don't want any," she said stubbornly


"BODY SHOTS," shouted the aussi singer,

"I'm first," beca slurred, she layed down on the  small table. Amy grabbed the half drunk vodka and poured it over becas stomach and half covered boobs,

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