Good bye

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Trigger warning there is a tiny amount of self harm and the word drugs so if your are offended or effected by anything like that skip it or don't read it- there is also an important announcement at the end so please read it

"Agghhh!" Beca groaned, from the night before she was the only one who didn't pass out, what actually happened?

(Flash back)
"Ok beca truth or dare?" Chloe asked slurring
"Umm...truth?" Beca answered innocently
"Tell is your biggest secret,"
"Ummm...I have two, I'll just tell you both. Ok so the first is... Chloe you gave me an STI and I didn't tell you. And I used to do drugs,"
"I stopped when I joined the bellas, mainly when I met you," beca wasn't innocent at all but no one thought she would do something like this,
(Back to reality)
"Oh shit, why would I say that," beca said to herself. She stood up and went upstairs. She got changed and put on some light make up and some sun glasses
"Haha, you know your hungover when when you have to brush your teeth with your sun glasses on," the voice made beca jump,
"Oh hey Amy,"
"How you feeling after letting everyone know about your drug problem,"
"O don't know. I don't actually remember what I said exactly and what the reaction was," beca frowned at Amy
"Umm Chloe cried and hugged you, then the rest of the girls joined in and said everything was going to be ok,"
"Nice, not being rude but I got to go get Aimee, cya soon,"
"Bye becs" and with tagt beca walked out and got into her car. She didn't want to leave, she was exited just not ready she wanted to get her dream but didn't want to let any of the girls know. What if she didn't make it? What if she got a job but Chloeeft her for not spending enough time with her? Why was she so scared? And when that thought hit her she pulled up outside cyndies house. Beca walked up the gravely path and knocked softly on the door,
"Hey Beca, rough night?" Cyndie laughed
"It was fun, feel like crap now but it was good at the time," Beca walked into the living room to see Aimee sitting on the floor playing with a small ball.
"Can I ask you something," Beca asked looking scared
"Sure sweetie what's up?"
"Do you think Chloe will leave if i don't spend all day every day with her because of a job?"
"Chloe's, Chloe and she's funny but I seriously With she's in love with you,"
" thanks cyndie,"
"No problem,now go or you will miss your flight,"
"Ok, bye cyndie,"
"Come on we need to pack up the car," Stacey shouted down front he top of the stairs,
"IM NOT FUCKING GOING" Beca said stomping up the stairs and locking her bedroom door,
"What's up with her?" Amy asked Chloe
"She doesn't want to go, I think she's scared,"
"Beca scared don't lie to me,"Emily laughed walking past the two girls with one of Chloe's bags
"Em,sweetie she's seriously terrified to leave everything she's used too, can you blame her?"
"No I guess not, I need to recruit some new people for the bellas,"
"Yeah you better hurry up with that or you won't be able to qualify for lincon centure,"
"Ok I'll get on it,"
Chloe was so annoying with Beca not wanting to leave, she ran as hard as she could at the door falling straight on the floor with a very loud thud. Amy picked her up and ran at the door successfully knocking down the door,
"I'm so sorry," Beca wimperred. She had cut her wrists with a razor,
"Beca honey come here,"
Amy said sympathetically before running becas arm under the tap,
"Why Beca,"
"It's how I have control,it's how I keep control of my emotions and how I feel,"
"How long had this been going on?"
"When my mom died I did it and then I did it until I met Chloe, when I joined the bellas I stopped because I had control then anyways," Beca sobbed into Amy's shoulder,
"Ok,I'm here,I'm here I'm going to go get Chloe,"
"No please don't,"
"She deserves to know,"
And with that Amy left Beca on the floor of the bathroom,
"Hey baby what's w....shit Beca,"
"Yeah I know I'm crazy and your leaving me I get it,"
"I'm not leaving you and your not crazy but why did you do it,"
"It's the way I have control over myself, I'm so so so sorry,"
"It's ok baby, come one do you need stitches?"
"I don't think so," after Chloe had cleaned up becas wrist she gave her a tender kiss on the lips
"I'm never going to leave you, your stick with me now bitch," this comment made both the girls chuckle
"Yeah I know" the both walked out and finished packing and then they were off to the airport. Everyone was silent
"I have my ticket for the long way round," Chloe started
"Two bottle of whiskey for the way," Beca joined in
"And I sure would like some sweet company,"
By this time all the girls were singing
"and I'm leaving tomorrow what do you say,"
"When I'm gone," Beca sang
"When I'm gone," Chloe joined in
"When I'm gone, your going to miss me when I'm gone. Your going To miss me by my hair, your going to miss me everywhere...oh your going to miss me when I'm gone," all the girls finished the song
"This reminds me of when we were at aubreys camp,"
"Yeah that was fun, I hated camping though,"
Beca added
"Yeah, I loved getting trapped in that bear trap,"
"Do you remember when you got stuck on the roof," Stacey chuckled
"Piss off so did Beca,"
"Yeah but I was drunk so there's my excuse,"
"I was drunk that night too,"
"Remember when Stacey broke her leg having sex with that mma bloke?" Flo said
"Oh fuck off it hurt,"
"F...fuck" Aimee said quietly
"Beca did you hear that?"
"Oh my God she said her first word," Beca almost screamed
"Oh my god Beca she's like you already?," all the girls burst out laughing.
They pulled up at the airport,
"I'm scared guys," Beca piped up
"So am I," Chloe replied
"I don't want you to go,"
With that they walked up to the docking bay to drop of their bags before getting in the plain
"I love you girls you know that?" Beca said breaking the silence
"Yeah I love you guys too," Amy replied
"I hate you all for everything but love you all more for it," Beca continued "I'm so scared and I'm going to miss you, we will fly out to see you all as soon as possible,"
"No follow your dream you don't need to worry about us,"
"This is the final call for flight 136 to LA," the woman called front the front desk
"I don't want to go, I'm scared,"
"No your fucking going," by this time all the girls were sitting in an airport crying, Beca hugged everyone whilst Chloe sat there and cried
"I love you two now please go,just don't forget about us"
"Trust me we won't," Beca waved whilst slowly walking holding hands with Chloe onto the plane. When they were on the plane Aimee laughed to herself at a face Beca made at her,
"You ready for this?"
"Nope, it's going to be great,"
"Yeah it is,"
And with that the two were on their way to LA

Sorry for how long this too to upload I hope you enjoy it I will upload a sequel to this but it will be a reunion and nope really texting, hope you enjoyed
This is the sequel hope you enjoy it

A/NSorry for how long this too to upload I hope you enjoy it I will upload a sequel to this but it will be a reunion and nope really texting, hope you enjoyedThis is the sequel hope you enjoy it

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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