01 » alone

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.... { " I am all alone in this world. " }

I gently rested my head against the window, ignoring the bitter cold winter breeze that continued to seep through the glass. My cheeks were slightly numb along with the tip of my nose from the chilly air. The dark brown threads of my hair fell gently over my eyes, hiding the tears that were surely forming as I watched the rain lightly pelt against the window. The thunder boomed and echoed throughout the bedroom, shaking the walls a little.

The scenery outside reflected the feelings inside of my heart.

While I waited for the rain to stop, I listened to the stumbling footsteps of my mum downstairs, who was probably looking for an aspirin bottle.

"Ember!" Her croaky voice called out. "Where the hell did you put my pills?!"

"They're on top of the fridge where you left them!" I yelled back and there was a moment of silence before I heard the front door slam shut.

I let out a shaky sigh and continued watching the rain fall. Everything was so grey, looking as though it was the middle of the night, when it was in fact three thirty in the afternoon, and I wondered if the sun would ever come out from behind the thick clouds to play. I saw mum run towards her car- my window was located just above the driveway. She didn't even say goodbye, or even utter a thank you for helping her find the aspirin.

Why was I expecting her to say that? Why was I so surprised as shame and disappointment washed over me? It's not like she ever does good things for me. She has never given a damn about me, she only sees me as sister- the person that betrayed her.

I felt my phone vibrate in my clammy hands, the front screen lighting up as the contact ID appeared. "Hey little sister!" Amy greeted excitedly when I answered the call.

"Hey Amy. How was the move?"

Amy recently moved to a small town in the country because she didn't want to be around mum anymore. She hated mum more than anyone- which was a surprise to me because Amy was the nicest person I knew- so she started a new life with her boyfriend.

Amy had her whole life planned out step by step: She would settle down in her new home, get custody over me so we could live together, marry Jarred, have three kids (She even told me what she wanted to name her kids) and live happily ever after.

If only it was that simple.

"It was good, Jarred came by to help so it was much easier to get it done. This place is amazing Ember!"

"I wish I was there to see it." I mumbled to myself and Amy sighed.

"I will get you out of that place Em, I just need to get settled in and complete some paperwork. Getting custody over you isn't as easy as it seems..." The sound of crockery smashing in the background made me jump as Amy cursed out loud into the phone.

"Jarred! I told you not to put the plates so close to the edge of the table because they'll get knocked over!"

I felt a small smile creep onto my dry lips, which was rare, and I imagined Amy would be whacking Jarred on the nose and scolding him like a child. Like she used to do to me when we were kids.

"Maybe this is a bad time to talk. I'll call you later, Amy." I said quickly before hanging up.

Amy was the only person who really cared for me. I had always admired her outgoing and kind personality, as well as her natural beauty. Jarred was lucky to have her, and so was I. She practically raised me, unlike my so-called mother who couldn't even take care of herself.

Everyday I would find mum unconscious somewhere in the house or out at a party with her "friends". Amy used to be the one to cheer me up when mum was away, but now that she moved to the country...

I'm all alone in this world.


Authors note:

So, this is my first ever short story so please bare with me. I will be editing this story slowly but don't worry, I won't stop you from reading because there will only be some minor changes.

So tell me what you guys think of this first chapter, I'm excited to read your opinions :D

Comment me your thoughts (please don't be a silent reader!!) and vote if you liked it! :)

Ooh, and dedicated to @Descrat  because she's a cool person to talk to ;D


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