Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven (Nick's POV)

I woke up feeling like I was hit by a bus, irritated and sore. It didn't help that Ethan had fallen asleep next to me, his arm almost choking my throat and his leg throw out between mine. He told me he was straight, but the fact that he was trying to be my blanket made me question it.

"E. Get up." I grunted in annoyance, tilting my head to glare at him. He mumbled something into the pillow and rolled away from me, taking the blankets. I rolled my eyes and heaved myself out of bed, heading to my dresser to change out of my pajamas and into a football jersey matching my jeans. I went downstairs to see my mom already making breakfast, still in her long blue nightgown.

"Morning, sleepyhead!" My mom greeted brightly, pecking me on the cheek before she rushed to the frying bacon. My nose twitched at the smell and my stomach growled.

"Bacon." I deadpanned. My mother grinned, waving her spatula at me. I smirked tiredly, pausing to yawn before I came over the table, hearing Ethan's heavy footfalls on the staircase as he came stumbling down.

"Food." He moaned and flopped in a chair, slamming his head into the table. The one good thing about being sleepy is that you didn't feel pain until about noon. Ethan lay there, dead for a while before my mother placed a plate of eggs and bacon in front of us. Of course, she neglected to give me salt.

"Ma, bacon isn't good without salt." I complained. She cocked a brow at me, pointing her spatula at my face.

"Salt isn't good for you. It increases your risk of a heart attack."

"I'm eighteen!"

"There's still the possibility! Not to mention, salt is a key ingredient to weight gain."

"I need weight for football, ma. It's how I crush people."

"That's muscle weight, dear, not body fat."

"Thanks, mom."

"Sure thing! Ethan, stop flinging your egg everywhere, honey. You're getting your clothes all messy."

"Sorry, Ms. Cooper."

"It's Bella, Ethan." My mother sighed and practically danced back over to the stove where she flipped more bacon that was probably for Ethan. My mother was a spazz about health, my health in particular, but I didn't blame her. She had her reasons and I just left her to it. Ethan gobbled down at least three plates of breakfast before he went upstairs to shower and change. I skipped my morning shower and got my things ready for school.

"Oh, honey," My mom said as I slung my bag over my shoulder, "There's a new neighbor just down the street. Real nice people and they have a daughter. She a couple years younger than you, but she plays softball and she's really cute. Red hair and-"

"Ma, I'm not interested." I blurted. My mother blinked, lowering hands from fussing with my jersey. She gave me a curious stare, her blue eye studying me like a hawk might study a mouse and I wondered if that was the right way to say it. My mother didn't like bluntness.

"Oh?" She asked at last.


"Is there someone else?"


"Oh?! Why didn't you tell me?! Who is she? Do I know her? Where does she live? Is she in your grade?"

"Mom, please. I don't want to talk about it. We're in a slump." I lied, trying not to cringe at lying to the women who gave birth to me. I had no idea how Oliver did it, I just felt awful lying to her and she scowled at me, punching me playfully in the arm.

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