Chapter 7

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your slightest look easily will unclose me 

though i have closed myself as fingers,

you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens

(touching skilfully,mysteriously)her first rose

- e.e. cummings somewhere i have never travelled gladly beyond

He was late.

I'd been sitting at one of the relatively small library tables, boredly flicking through an Encyclopedia, day dreaming about Harry Styles serenading me on a private island for about an hour and a half now.

I was cold, tired and hungry, and Edward Cullen wasn't even pitching up for his own plans. 

Wow Bella, a real gem you'll turn out to have.

Seconds after I  contemplated going home and getting the hell outta this dreary ass town Edward walked into the library like he owned it.

He sat down on the chair next to me and he pulled out some books from his backpack wordlessly.

"Hey there Mr Punctuality." I greeted him sarcastically.

"I'm sorry I'm late. There was-" he paused. "My sister needed my help with something."

I waved it off, wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible.

"It's fine,  we've still got a while before the library closes."  I took out the history book and turned to the page I assumed we were on today in class.  "Maybe we can start with-." He cut me off mid sentence.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I had the chance to introduce myself earlier on. I'm Edward Cullen."  I looked up into his eyes. Orbs? Because shit those eyes made me feel like I was in a romance novel.  Which I guess, I was...

There short silence left  between us and I realized he was waiting for me to introduce myself to him.

"I'm Amiyah." 

"Just Amiyah? " he asked with a sinful smile on his lips. Oh god what I'd like those lips to do-. 

His eyebrows furrowed and the smile on his face seemed to broaden slightly.

"So, uhh. What exactly is this project about?" 


My eyes widened. "Oh, that's uh pretty vague but I guess-" Edward cut me off once again. 

What the gentleman I had the pleasure to have in my company.

"Are you new? I've never seen you before today." So he noticed. I was torn between gushing because I wasn't invisible to Edward Cullen, resident Adonis or panicking because I wasn't invisible to Edward Cullen, resident vampire.

"Yeah, I mean no. I've lived here my whole life."
"Go Spartans." I cheered weakly, lifting my fist lamely.

He didn't look convinced.

"Hey, did you by any chance have Biology today?" I wondered.  

"No, why do you ask?"

"I just wanted to know if you sat next to Bella Swan, your future girlfriend. Smelt her irresistible blood and left a lasting impression that will leave her drawn to your oh-so-subtle murderous vibe so I can go back home to sunny California where there's working wifi, a McDonald's which isn't an hour away and where I don't have to go to school for another 30 days."

Imperceptible [Edward Cullen] •book 1Where stories live. Discover now