Chapter 3

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Hey glory child, don't you worry.

Stuttering, shaken off your fear.  Beauty's never given in a hurry

Warm Winds- SZA featuring Isaiah Rashad 

 I awake with a start. The sudden ringing of my alarm clock jolting me awake from a dream I can't remember.

My eyes still laden with sleep I rub them as I get up to fetch some water from the kitchen.
I couldn't have taken three steps away from my bed when I spotted her.

The Tyra Banks was leaning against my bedroom wall.

She was wearing a grey pant suit and her hair was up in a sleek ponytail. She was looking down scrolling through her phone as if it was normal for her to be in people's rooms at 7 am.

The big, smart part of my brain was telling me to panic. There was an intruder in my room, it didn't matter that said intruder was a supermodel sensation.

Yet, the smaller, less rational part of my brain was freaking out. Tyra Banks was in my bedroom and she looked fierce let me tell you that.

"Tyra?" I ask questioningly, with a hint of excitement.

She immediately looks up from her phone and stares at me.

"Hmm? Oh yes, Tyra Banks. That's right Amiyah, I am Tyra, Tyra is me."

I grin at her letting out a little squeal of excitement.

She sounded more british than I thought she would but I just ignore it, she probably came across Madonna syndrome or something.

"What are you doing in my room?"

Although mildly starstruck I still was in the right mindset to address the elephant in the room.

"I'm here to discuss the call you made yesterday. We at Bolton's Backgrounders have accepted your application as temporary facilitator and hereby appoint you as a junior BC."

Application? Facilitator? Junior BC?

"Err.. What?"

Tyra sighs as if it were causing her physical pain just to listen to my questions.

"Last night," she began sounding bored. "You made a call to our offices. You obviously wouldn't have been able to read the advertisement in the first place if you didn't have the qualities we were looking for. Inconspicuous, dorky, socially inept, slightly clairvoyant. "

I ignore the slightly offensive words and perk up at the mention of clairvoyant. "Clairvoyant?" 

"Don't get too excited 80 percent of you humans are."

I pouted. "Then if there so many people out there who are clairvoyant why don't you go trespass into their rooms and offer them the job?"

"Look we're desperate, none of our staff want to take on this particular job and it is going to the dumps if we don't take action."

I gave her I look showing her that I had no idea what she was talking about.

She sighed and put her fingers to her temples. "My mother was right, I should have married that Polynesian demi-god." She muttered looking up at me with an annoyed expression.

"Bolton's Backgrounders is a prestigious agency where we grant young, naive girls such as yourself access to some of their favorite books giving them the opportunity to experience life as a background character living in that world while simultaneously making sure that the storyline carries on as it should."

Imperceptible [Edward Cullen] •book 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu