Chapter 10

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I'll give you anything you want from me
Anything you want, anything you need, anything your soul desires
Aaliyah- One In A Million

Edward didn't come to school the rest of the week, which was to be expected. He was supposed to leave town for a few days to avoid killling Bella. That meant everything was going back on track, that meant I was supposed to have left this town eons ago. Yeah, I thought so too. But here I am, 4 days later still in the fucked up world of Twilight.

When I got back to the guest house on Thursday I was practically skipping to the closet I'd originally arrived in. Life was looking good. I was going home, going to get paid, and finally, finally, leaving Forks and 2005.

But after continuously opening and closing the closet door for almost half an hour It dawned on me that I probably wasn't leaving then.

I was beyond pissed. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. I was supposed to come here, get the two lovebirds to meet and leave $10 000 richer and blast the fuck outta here on Thursday.

Throughout this whole mess Bella had taken it upon herself to be my personal driver, I couldn't complain much about that. Edward still hasn't returned my bike and I wasn't going to be walking 5 miles in the cold just to go to a school that I won't be graduating from. It also helps that Bella can't read my mind.

I spend the weekend inside, mostly eating out my frustrations.

When Monday unfortunately rolls around I'm angry, confused and growing very sick of the gloomy town.

I contemplate staying in bed. Bella and Edward had met and probably had their own plot appropriate thoughts about each other. Me attending 'Hell High' was pointless.

But nevertheless I grudgingly wake up and get dressed in multiple layers at an attempt to beat the cold.

Bella picks me up shortly after and we ride together making small talk about the weekend.

The day seems to drag on and in the middle of a calculus lesson I find myself once again longing to go home. The feeling only intensifies at lunch when The chatty blonde; whom I only recently find out is called Lauren, asks me once again when I moved to Forks.

I try to prolong answering the question by chewing extra slowly on my dry cheeseburger, but I'm receiving odd looks from the people around the table.

"Uh. I moved here around the same time the Cullens did." I say, starting on the story I created last night.

It wasn't too dramatic. And in my opinion, not very creative, yet the students stare at me in wonder, some even in slight envy as I tell them my 1000% fake back story.

"And since my father was in the middle of planning his engagement, my brother André was dealing with his mental health problems, Jamal was battling his drug addiction and Hakeem, bless his soul, was trying to get his rap carreer started, there was nobody who could take care of me especially since the conditions back home were so volatile. So after my mother was released from jail my father bought me a house here to get away from all of the drama and I've been living in Forks ever since."

I finish off with a tentative smile.

The table is silent and they all are staring at me like I've grown a second head.

Okay, so maybe I could have made the story a little less fictitious. And maybe I should have left out the part about my 'father', Lucious Lyon, killing my 'uncle' Bunkie. And I probably shouldn't have made my 'family' billionaires especially when I am wearing a 'GUGGI' shirt and I currently owe Mike two dollars.

Imperceptible [Edward Cullen] •book 1Where stories live. Discover now