Chapter 16

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I feel it inside

its cage sounding

a dull tattoo:

I want, I want—

but I can't open it:

there's no key.

I can't wear it

on my sleeve,

or tell you from

the bottom of it

how I feel. Here,

it's all yours, now—

but you'll have

to take me,


- Rita Dove- Heart to Heart.

Have you ever had one of those nights where you just can't fall asleep? And no matter how many sheep you count or lulabuysyou try and hum to yourself, sleep just won't come to you?

Yeah, I'm having one of those nights.

I turn my pillow around for the 16th time and rest my head onto the cooler side.

I've been trying to find a comfortable spot on the small bed for almost an hour now. I kept the covers on then took them off then pulled them back on again and each time I close my eyes I can't find the strength to keep them closed.

I sigh when I hear the trees rustling outside my window. I had pulled the curtains back a while ago allowing the pale streams of moonlight to shine into my room.

There's a tapping at my window. It's not rough enough to be a tree branch scratching against the glass, nevertheless I try to ignore it and start mentally reciting the Hail Mary.

A loud creak echoes through the room causing me to jolt up in bed and stare at wide-eyed in the area of the sound.

Someone is opening the window. I start to panic silently, still staring frighteningly at the window I blindly reach out to feel for the baseball bat I stashed under my bed a few days ago.

I grip tightly onto the bat when I see a figure enter my room in a blur.

I kiss my teeth irritatedly when I see just who the intruder is.

Edward's standing over my bed, staring at me apologetically. The moonlight shining behind him making him look ethereal.

I switch on the lamp on the bedside table and glare at his stupidly handsome face.

"What are you doing here?" I hiss, still trying to control my heartbeat.

He smiles charmingly at me "I wanted to talk to you."

"And you couldn't have used the front door like a normal person?"

He walks towards my closet and leans against it.

"I wasn't sure if you would have heard me knocking from up here. I'm sorry if I surpised you."

I fight the urge to roll my eyes. Surprised is an understatement.

"Its fine." I grumble. " What did you want to talk about? Is it about Bella?"

"No.. Yes. Partially..." He pauses for a while.

"Have you ever been in love?"

I slightly squint my eyes, caught off guard by the unexpected question.

Imperceptible [Edward Cullen] •book 1Where stories live. Discover now