Chapter 13

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"All I ever wanted

Was to understand the poet in the sky

Figure out the hidden truths

He laced together and wrote in the night"

Alana - High Off you.


Edward was sitting at the piano in the early hours of the morning, waiting on his siblings to get ready so they could ride to school together.

It had been a whole week since he had last seen Amiyah, and Edward was growing restless.

Amiyah...His mate. He couldn't contain the small smile that came across his lips when he thought og that. After centuries of solitude Edward did not even think he could ever have a mate;The consequence of his rebellion earlier in his vampire life. But there was no denying the bond he felt with her, his feelings only growing stronger each day. He had a mate,  someone that unknowingly already held a part of his cold heart in their hands. Soon he would be at her complete mercy

"What are you smilling about?" Rosalie said from the stairs she decended from wearing a stylish yellow coat over a black winter dress, staring oddly at her brother's uncommon expression at the large piano he sat at.

He had been going out to the woods every night since his revelation, the only place he could truly think without any interruptions.. He silently wished he could be there right then.

"Nothing that would interest you." He said staring down at the shut piano, his thumb wiping away the speck of dust on the cover.

"Hmm, I'm sure." Rosalie said coarsely walking towards the hooks near the piano that held the many car keys, her black heeled boots, hardly appropriate for school wear, click clacking with every step she took.

"Unless it's regarding that girl you went to see the night you returned." She said after grabbing a pair of keys from the hook.

Alice choose that moment to walk gracefully down the stairs, quickly turning back around after hearing the last part of Rose's sentence.

She was not so lucky to escape as Edward had caught her before she could speed away.

"Alice," Edward called at her retreating form. She paused in her tracks, and turned around to face him. Her face the image of pure innocence.

"Yes dear brother of mine?" She asked sweetly, timidly moving closer to where Edward and Roalie were.

"What is she talking about?"  He rose from the piano, the chair making a sharp creak against the marble tiles.

"I have no clue." She said feigning innocence, Edward not missing the quick, intense glare she sent their sister.

"Oh Alice, drop it." Rose said irritatedly to the pixie-like vampire.

She turned back to Edward and began to explain herself. "Alice had a vision of you and that horribly plain girl from school kissing."

Edward grew deadly quiet, his breath halting. Of course Alice would find out. She was most probably aware of the encounter between him and Amiyah, before it even happened.

He should have noticed they were both hiding something when Alice kept on mentally  reciting the French Alphabet and Rose's thoughts stayed primarily on her beauty, rather than the occasional vain thought.

Imperceptible [Edward Cullen] •book 1Where stories live. Discover now