Chapter 18

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We have come to the cross-roads

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We have come to the cross-roads

And I must either leave or come with you

I lingered over the choice

But in the darkness of my doubts

 You lifted the lamp of love

And I saw in your face

The road that I should take.

The Mesh- Kwesi Brew

Is hatred at first sight a thing? It has to be. One look from our waitress, Amber, and I knew, I knew that bitch wanted to gauge out my eyes and serve them to me on a platter.

It's the little things that express her hatred; the way her upper lip slightly curled whenever she'd look at me, her intense eye rolls after I'd speak,the way she'd only address Edward I mean shit, he doesn't even eat real food.

"What would you like to drink?" She asks Edward, pushing her chest foward and batting her eyelashes in a way which I suppose is meant to be seductive.

I doubt the look of irritation is hidden well on my face. Am I completely invisible to her? Who flirts with someone while they're on a date? Okay so this isn't a date, and yeah Edward and I aren't actually together, but she doesn't have to know that.

It's not like he's doing much to discourage her either. With each polite smile and silky smooth reply she blushes like a preteen in front of a crush. You don't have to be telepathic to figure that she's planning their wedding in her head.

"We'll have a bottle of your finest wine." I say irritatedly, wanting to put a dent in Edward's wallet.

"What?" She asks. Her bright smile faltering when she turns to face me.

I place my arm on the table and search for Edward's hand. Once I find it, I grip my hand as tightly as I can in his. I nearly smirk in triumph when I see Amber's eyes set distastefully on our interlocked fingers.

"It's our anniversary and my husband and I would like to celebrate with a bottle of your most expensive,exquisite wine." I say, putting emphasis on 'husband' and relishing in her uncomfortable state.

I send Edward a hard look and ignore his amused smirk. 'Play along'.

Perhaps some finely aged Château Latour." He says winsomely, pronouncing the french words seamlessly and sending her one of his famous smiles. "Such a special occasion warrants for some splurging."

Her face scrunches up and with her pen and notepad in her hands she moves her arms to to her sides.

"I'm sorry, but aren't you a bit too young?" She asks looking down at my Sesame Street tee then back up to me with distrustful eyes.

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