Chapter 11

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                                        A frost came in the night and stole my world

              And left this changeling for it - a precocious  Image of spring, too brilliant to be true:

                                                         Cecil Day Lewis- A Hard Frost

He came back home on that Tuesday night. He'd made a promise to himself while in Denali that he'd stay as far away as possible from Bella Swan and her piquant blood, if not for what remained of his humanity then for Carlise, who believed so much in his son's control.

Although he would not admit it to anyone else in his family. Bella Swan was not the only reason he'd left Forks.

Amiyah. The girl who had barreled into his life that Wednesday afternoon and came with the knowledge of his true nature. And yet, he knew nothing about her. He was unaware of how or when she arrived in Forks, or even who she really was.

Those questions continued to swim in his mind throughout his whole stay in Denali. But it wasn't just the mysteries of Amiyah that clouded his brain.

Her dark eyes shone brightly in the dark abyss of his head. He couldn't help but think of the tug

Esmè had greeted him with an embrace when he returned. She was relieved that he was back, yet worried about the safety of the human girl. He didn't have to read her mind to figure that out.

"Edward"' His father greeted, him too taking Edward into a hug albeit briefer than the one he had just shared with his mother.

"We're all glad you're back. But are you certain you can resist the girl's blood?"

"I will try. I couldn't carry on with the blood of the girl on my conscious."

"You wouldn't have to. She would have been just another cold body by now if that girl hadn't intervened." Rosalie spat out bitterly from the bottom of the staircase.

"Babe". Emmet tried to calm down his wife by wrapping his arm around her waist.

Edward was confused, all he was picking up was images of

"What happened?" He asked slowly.

Rhe lounge was left in a brief silence, his family looked to each other all of them unsure of how to approach the incident .

Finally Carlise spoke up. "Yesterday morning. Bella was involved in an accident." Carlise paused to gauge his son's reaction yet he looked completely apathetic.

Tyler Crowley's van crashed into her car and was very close to hitting her, but luckily your history partner, Amiyah pushed Bella out of the way before she could get seriously hurt."

Imperceptible [Edward Cullen] •book 1Where stories live. Discover now