Chapter 20

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With every passing moment

Thoughts of you run through my head

Every time that I'm near you

I realize that you're heaven sent

Tamia- So Into You

To an observer it would seem that Edward was deeply engrossed in the book in his hands. But if one took the time to thoroughly asses his situation they'd take notice that he had been on the same page of a relatively short novel for the past hour, and if one looked even closer they would see how his eyes weren't even focused on the page he was on, instead they were glazed over as if he were reliving a memory, or deep in thought.

Edward had initially set out to read the book he randomly pulled out from his bookcase, but each time he'd begin to concentrate a picture of Amiyah laughing at something he had said would slither into his head and he'd be forced to break his concentration.

Him and Amiyah had officially been together for only 3 months yet Edward couldn't even begin to imagine a life without her. So he didn't. He expelled any thought of Amiyah's impending departure and focused solely on the time that they were together.

He'd never been in love before, but he knew that was what he was feeling now- what he had been feeling for months, ever since he first met Amiyah. When they were apart, he thought of her practically every minute. When they were together, he never wanted to be anywhere else. And he knew that her happiness and safety were more important to him than his own.

It was an exuberant feeling; love. He finally understood why people couldn't stop talking singing and writing about the emotion.

He found his own fingers itching to create something, anything, that would be a testament to these unfamiliar, yet not unwelcomed, emotions he was experiencing.

He briefly wondered if Alice would allow him to use her pencil set. He hadn't drawn leisurely since the 60's, yet a need to see Amiyah's face materialize beneath his fingers grew immensely.

His thoughts were interrupted by Esmè's as she entered the living room, in what would appear to the human eye as a blur, searching for her car keys.

"Good evening." He greeted Esmè warmly, looking up from the book that he was pretending to be reading from.

She smiled at him sweetly and grabbed the keys from the table "Edward. You're still here? I thought you boys made plans to go hunting tonight."

"We'll be leaving soon. We've just been a bit delayed by Emmett, he's been looking for his Cubs cap for the last thirty minutes." He explained to his mother.

"He lost it again?" She asked in surprise.

"Yeah, third time this month."

"You know, He might just be the only vampire in existence with such a bad memory. And I mean that in the most concerned way possible."

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