Chapter 4

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I got up early to go to a yoga class with Mia. I wore pink and black stretch pants from Victoria's Secret and a matching shirt. Mia picked me up from my house and we were on our way.
She told me that her yoga teacher was a Celebrity yoga instructor and trainer, but I had never heard of him. His name was Tyson, but everyone called him "Twice". As soon as we walked in, Twice immediately ran over to us from a purple mat.

"Hey Twice," Mia immediately said while giving him a hug.

Twice had a milk-chocolate type of skin. he had a nice fade with waves in his hair. he was wearing a black T-shirt, which looked tight on him to me because he had huge muscles. I glanced at his biceps and his body up and down. I was mezmorized.

"And you must be Kelise?" he said looking directly at me.

"Yes." I said.

"My friend here is a little shy, she's always been that way, since we were in high school." Mia said.

"She couldn't be too shy, she's pregnant." said Twice.

"Excuse me?" I asked loudly.

"Oh.." He studdered, "that came out wrong."

"You Damn Right." I said.

" Okay..... Shall we start the yoga lesson or not?" Mia said interfering.

"Right this way ladies" Twice said guiding us to a room.

We did yoga for about 45 minutes, then Mia started working out in the gym section, while I took a break. I didn't say a word the whole time.

All of a sudden, Twice appeared and sat down across from me at a table.

"Look, I think we got off to a rough start, and I don't like angry customers." Twice said.

"You made a rude comment, but at the end of the day, this is your place, so I can't control what comes outta your mouth."

" Hey, I'm just tryna apologize."

"Apology excepted, now can you just , please.... Just leave me alone!" I said

He got up from the table, came over to my side, and grabbed one of my hands.

" I know it's probably just your hormones and emotions, but you're too beautiful to be mad at a guy like me."

He kissed my hand and walked away.

I tried to look disgusted but I couldn't. He was just too fine. I held my phone up to cover my face as I scrolled through Instagram. I couldn't help but look up at him.

"Chocolate at its finest" I thought to myself about him.


"You ready to go Ke?" Asked Mia.

"Girl yes, I've been ready!"

"I know Tony is worried sick about you. " She said.

"I doubt it, all he's focused on is basketball." I said.

"Ya know Twice woulda' tried to talk to you if you weren't already with Tone right?"

"Please.... He needs to work on his attitude before he talks to anybody." I said.

Later That Night At Home

Tony started my bubble bath water and sprinkled rose pedals all around the tub. He helped me outta my clothes and I climbed into the tub.

He sat on the toilet seat top and watched me as I relaxed.

"Mind if I join?" he asked.

"Come on in." I said.

I was leaning back on Tony's chest as he was telling me about his day at practice. I only listened because its the only thing that made him happy besides me and our future child.

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