Chapter 10

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- me again, hope you like ~ @califaakaayxo xoxo -

Kelise POV

" Are you ready?" The doctor sterilized his hands and slipped on a pair of gloves.

I nodded still dazed from the pain in my lower body.

"Its okay." Twice reassured me kissing my forehead.

"Alright , on the count of three I want you to push as hard as you can and hold. One. Two. Three."


She was a beautiful babygirl.

Kadence Skye

Twice hasn't put her down since she's been born. It really kills me because this was suppose to be me and Tony's moment. He missed his first daughters birth and I haven't heard from him all day.

"She's really beautiful." Kalani had 'awe' expression.

"WHERE IS SHE?" I heard an angry male voice approach my room.

"Baby!" Tony entered, I came as soon as I heard, I'm so sor--", Tony glanced at Twice and turned red instantly 

"Who the fuck is he, and why is he holding my fucking daughter?" the vein on the side of Tony's neck started thumping.


Okay so there are alot of ghost readers, can we get some comments, feedback, at least 3 to continue.? Thanks guys xoxo ♥ A new longer chapter coming very soon.


A Baller's Wife (Urban Fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora