Chapter 6

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Kelise's POV

Who wants that perfect love story any way, anyway
Cliché, cliché, cliché, cliché
Who wants that hero love that saves the day, anyway
Cliché, cliché, cliché, cliché.

I sang along to my ringtone as my phone rang, and my mother was calling. "Hi mommy," I excitedly said. "Hi my baby," she responded.

"What you and Daddy been up to," I asked.
"Chile, nothing. Just tryna' work our butts off so we can help your little sister graduate high school. Do you know she's one of the smartest 11th graders at her school, but she got caught smoking weed with those fast-ass friends of hers!" I laughed.

"Well mommy, I think you should let Kalani visit me in L.A. this summer."

"Keke, I don't know about that. Knowing her , she might get into more trouble.."

"No she won't, I'll make sure of that, and besides, I'm gonna' try and get her into some acting classes so she can work on her dream of becoming an actress one day. " My mother immediately tried to change the subject because despite the fact that Kalani was in various school plays, mommy wanted her to go to college and become a doctor.

"So when is my grandbaby gonna' arrive?"

"Probably in a few weeks."

"And how are you and Tony?"

"Fine for now." I hesitantly said.

"You know, after you have the baby, I'ma show you a few tricks to spice up y'all's romance in the bedroom. " After she said that, I chuckled.

"Okay mommy."

"Oh, sweetie, don't forget Kalani, Daddy, and I are coming to visit you in two weeks. Love you Keke, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye."

Mia's POV

Baby, when we gonna' start our own family," I asked Tone while my fingers slowly crawled up his chest.

"Mia you know I can't, and after Kelise has this baby, I'm not gonna' be even thinking about having anymore for a while. And besides, you got a husband. Go f*cking pester him into having a child."

At that moment, my hand instantly slapped across Tone's face.

"F*ck you!" I yelled while going into our hotel room's bathroom and slamming the door shut. I didn't refer to myself as one of his sideline h*es because we had a bond, even though Kelise had the main title. I've always loved him, since high school. I just want to be more than his "f*ck buddy". Is that so wrong?

Kelise's POV

Text messages from Mia

Mia: Hey girl! Srry I ain't been answerin my phone. Family emergency out of town, so I couldnt talk. I'll be back soon.

Kelise: okay girl, you fine, I understand family emergencies. Thx for letting me know.

Mia: I'm still the godmother of the baby right?

Kelise: Of course! Why wouldn't you be?

Mia: lol.... I was just checking. Ttyl

The Next Day

I decided to get up to go to church this morning. Without Tony, this pregnancy ain't been easy, but I know I gotta stay strong for the both of us.

As I walked in the church sanctuary, I didn't see any seats available. I was just gonna' settle for the last row in the back until I saw a man beck for me to come to his row. It was Twice. I walked to his row and sat next to him. AND the adorably little girl sitting next to him, which I'm pretty sure is his daughter.

After church

"Kelise, this is my daughter, Violet," Twice said introducing me to his daughter.

"Hi, nice to meet you," I said sticking out my hand to shake hers.

"Daddy, she's pretty," Violet said after shaking my hand, revealing her teeth. She was missing a few teeth in her mouth, but it was soo adorable.

"We were actually going to go get something to eat right now, would you like to come," Twice asked.

"Sure." I said.

I mean, it was just innocent, after church lunch, and his daughter would be there.

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