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The bell rings and Louis slips into his desk. The teacher shuts the door and like every day, first period begins. It's nothing special, it's just math class. As the clock ticks on, Louis thinks of his date with his boyfriend tonight. Every Friday was movie night, and it was his turn to host. It always beat the big parties.

Sitting up, Louis takes the worksheet from his teacher and stares at it. It all came easy to him as he began scribbling down the answers to the problems. He's not going to have homework tonight if he can help it. Louis flips the page over and feels his phone buzz in his pocket. It goes unheard amongst the chatter of his classmates. He checks to make sure the teacher is occupied at her desk before he slips his phone out, keeping it close to him.

'spares are boring, plz help'

Louis chuckles at his boyfriend's text and quickly sends a reply.

'wish I could, math sucks'

Louis keeps his phone on his lap as he goes over the questions on the back of the sheet. Jotting down the answers, his phone buzzes again and he looks down, setting his pencil down. Louis opens his phone up and chuckles at Harry's reply.

'skip, I'll buy you food.'

'tempting dear but it's date night and I don't want homework x'

'ughhhhhhhh fine'

'luv u bae'

Louis slides his phone back into his pocket and finishes the worksheet, getting up and going to hand it in to his teacher. His teacher smiles politely and takes it from him, telling him that he has the rest of the class to work on other homework. Louis asks to use the washroom instead and she nods her head. He turns on his heel and heads of out the classroom.

The hallways were empty as classes continued on. Louis wasn't going to the washroom, he was just going for a visit. He made his way to the upper common room, the couches occupied by students working on homework or listening to music, some even taking a nap. Louis' boyfriend had his feet propped up on the couch, his earphones in and his phone in front of him. Louis walks over to him and kicks one of Harry's feet, causing the boy to look up. Harry's smile grows when he sees his boyfriend standing over him. Harry pulls his earphones out and sets his phone down.

"I said I was going to the bathroom so I have like... 3 minutes," Louis chuckles and smiles softly, lifting Harry's legs and sitting down, bringing his legs back over his lap.

"Say you had the shits and stay longer," Harry smirks and Louis rolls his eyes.

"You're gross," Louis chuckles.

"But you love me."

"Just a little bit," Louis says playfully. "I gotta get to class but I'll see you at lunch okay?" Louis stood himself up and leaned over the boy he cared about so dearly, tenderly pressing his lips to his. "I'll see you at lunch okay?"

"I'll be there," Harry smiles widely and picks up his earphones again, slipping them back in as his boyfriend walked back to class.

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