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Harry waited by the front doors for his boyfriend. He played with a loose string that hung from his book bag. He was watching carefully, still paranoid. Everyone was still paranoid. You could see it in the way people acted, the way everyone looked to the front doors whenever it opened. Fear riddled the school hallways, even two weeks after everything had taken place.

Louis grabbed his things from his locker and came down to the main floor, walking towards the front doors of the school. He saw Harry standing there by himself, making his way over quietly. When he reached Harry, Louis reached out to grab onto his hand. Harry smiled slightly and took a deep breath.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah," Louis nodded.

He followed Harry out of the school, neither of them saying much to each other. Louis had driven them to school that morning, so both boys headed to Louis' car, letting go of each other's hand to get in. Harry threw his bag in the back seat and got into the passenger seat.

"What made you change your mind?" Harry asked softly as Louis started up the car.

Louis shrugged and looked over his shoulder to back safely out of his spot. "I just didn't want you to be alone," he answered.

Harry didn't believe that. But he wouldn't argue and simply nodded his head. "Thanks..."

"Yeah," Louis nodded, holding the steering wheel a little too tightly. "How're you?"

"M'okay," Harry nodded. "It's all still kinda raw you know? Everything's so... fresh..."

"Yeah," Louis agreed. "Everyone is still so scared..."

"And why wouldn't they be right? Who would want to go back to a place where something so horrific happened?" Harry sighed.

"They can't just make all of the kids switch schools though..."

"I know..."

Louis chewed the inside of his lower lip and kept his eyes glued to the road.

"Louis," Harry spoke softly. "It's okay to be scared."

"I know," Louis nodded his head. "I'm not saying I'm not scared. I'm just trying not to think about it."

"You don't want to hold it in Lou... especially if it's bothering you. You don't want to hold that in."

"I'll be okay," Louis cleared his throat, shaking his head. "If I need to talk about it, I'll tell you okay? Don't worry about me."

Harry sighed softly and nodded his head. But he did worry. He would always worry if he knew that something was going on. But Louis would tell him on his own time. Harry just didn't know when.

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