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Harry looked at his mum with big eyes, the anxiety rising through his body intensely.

"Is Louis okay?" he asked desperately.

"He's with his mum, they're gonna meet us over by the ambulances in the middle of this," she explained softly and Harry nodded his head quickly.

As they walked through the crowd, desperate families clutching onto each other, Harry had his eyes peeled for his boyfriend and his mother. He needed to be with him again. Harry was letting his strong demeanor falter now that he was safe.

Louis held onto his mom's hand tightly not wanting to get separated from her. His hands were shaking and they were clammy in hers. Johanna kept her son close as they walked through the chaos. He felt like a little kid again, scared to let go of his mummy's hand as they tried to find his boyfriend. He knew that as soon as Harry was with him again, all his emotions would flood in.

"I think I see Anne," his mum said quickly picking up the pace.

Louis started looking around frantically, trying to see what she was seeing. He held onto his mom tightly as she started walking forwards. Louis began to shake even more, his anxiety driving up into high gear until he finally saw who he was looking so desperately for.

Harry stood with tear stained cheeks, tucked into his mom's side.

"Harry," Anne said softly, rubbing his arm once she had seen Louis.

Harry looked at her and then looked at where she was pointing to. He nearly fell when he pushed himself away from his mum. Now that they were safe, the reality of the situation was actually sinking in for both Harry and Louis.

Louis stayed close to his mum until Harry was right in front of them, moving to latch onto his boyfriend instead. Harry's arms went around Louis' shoulder tightly and the two boys clung to each other.

Louis sobbed out against Harry's shirt and Harry did the same into Louis' neck. Their moms went to hug each other, standing off to the side with each other.

"Are you okay?" Harry hiccupped, pulling back softly, wiping his eyes shakily.

"Y-Yeah," Louis sniffled softly, keeping himself against Harry. "Are you?"

Harry nodded his head and held Louis tight, a lot more for his own comfort.

"I saw them... t-they were in the library..." Louis said quietly in such a small voice. Harry swallowed thickly. "I watched people die..." Harry tightened his grip on his boyfriend and squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head.

"You're okay..." he whispered out. "You're okay..."

"I don't know..." Louis pulled back. "I don't know if I can be okay after that..."


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