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Harry got to Louis' place as fast as he could after his class. There was something inside of him that knew this would happen. Louis had a habit of internalizing issues until he physically couldn't, and this was no exception. The front door was unlocked, but there was no one else home other than Louis. Harry set his bag down by the front door and cleared his throat, heading towards the stairs. When he got to the top, Louis stepped out of his room with a slightly worried look on his face, but it disappeared when he saw his boyfriend.

"Thought I heard someone," he smiled slightly, stepping out into the hallway.

"Yeah, sorry I should've texted you," Harry smiled coming over to Louis.

"My phone's off I wouldn't have heard it," Louis shrugged and walked back into his room with Harry behind him.

"How're you feeling?" Harry asked, changing the subject.

Louis was quiet as he got back onto his bed and pulled his blankets up over his legs. Harry sat cross legged in front of him with a little bit of space between them. "I mean, I'm okay?" It was a lot more of a question than an answer.

Harry gave him a look. "I don't think you are..."

"I'm not," Louis shook his head, looking down at his lap and laughing out half-heartedly.

"And that's okay."

"I don't want to feel this way Harry," Louis shook his head, wiping cheeks.

"No one does Louis," Harry sighed and got up to grab some tissues from Louis' desk, bringing it back to him.

Louis let out a sigh, taking the tissues and wiping his eyes. "I want things to be back to normal..."

Harry moved closer and slid up the bed so he was next to his boyfriend instead of in front of him. Louis kept his eyes down and dropped his hands into his lap. Harry could tell that there was something brewing so he pulled Louis closer, his arm going around his shoulders. Louis let his body slump into Harry's chest. He didn't cry, but he stayed close.

"How are you so calm about this?" Louis asked quietly.

Harry shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Maybe because I wasn't as close to things you know..? I didn't see anything, I just kinda heard it... Don't get me wrong, it's horrible and I can still hear it but... I wasn't right in the way of the people who did this..."

"Fair," Louis murmured, lifting his head back slightly. "Do you think I should talk to someone about this?"

"What do you think? Do you think it would help?" Harry asked curiously, pushing some of Louis' hair out of his face.


"I would talk to your mum about it yeah? See what she says."

"Okay," Louis nodded. "Can you stay with me for a bit?"

"I just got here, I'll stay as long as you need okay?"

Harry grabbed the blanket and pulled it around the two of them. Louis relaxed slightly, trying to get his mind in a different place. He was grateful to have someone who was mature enough to deal with him. These feelings wouldn't be forever, but the memories would always be imprinted. Louis could only work with the emotions to deal with them. No more fighting them.


This was the last chapter before the epilogue! This story was a little shorter, but I hope you enjoyed! I have a list of ideas I want to build stories off of, so I'm really excited for you guys to see what I have! Thank you so much for reading! xx

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