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Louis had been avoiding going back to school. There were constant flash backs playing in his mind whenever he tried to build up the courage to go back. His mum was getting worried and so was Harry. Harry had been able to go back after a couple days, his experience not being the same as Louis'.

"Louis," his mum said softly coming into his bedroom. "The school called again. Sweetheart you need to go back you're missing too much," she spoke softly and Louis looked up from his computer.

"I'm not going back," he stated bluntly.

She looked at him for a moment and sat on the edge of the bed, sympathy in her eyes. She knew he had been right in the middle of everything when things went down in the library. She understood, but she also knew that this wouldn't be something that Louis would be able to do on his own.

"I think that we should call and make an appointment with a psychiatrist," she said slowly, not wanting it to upset her son in any way. "I can promise you you're not the only one going through this." Louis looked at her for a moment and pulled at his fingers slightly, a nervous habit.

"I'd rather just do my school online..."

"You're not crazy for feeling the way you do, but you can't avoid this forever..."

"I have one more semester. If I can do it online then I never have to go back to that place again and I can just move on, I don't need help, I just can't go back there, you say you understand but you could never understand okay? You will NEVER understand how I'm feeling and I am NOT going back to that place!"

Louis chest was starting to rise and fall at a heavy and quick pace. His mother looked at him with sadness and moved closer to him reaching her arms out to give him a hug but he shook his head and felt himself moving backwards. Her arms fell to her sides and she stood up.

"I'm just downstairs if you need anything..." she said and backed out of his room, not knowing how she could help her son. She did the only thing she knew how to do and called to make an appointment with a psychiatrist. Louis would have to deal with it.

Louis sat up in his room, his little outburst just being the start of something more. He was overwhelmed with the sudden feeling of anger and fear and confusion, all of which was making him more and more upset. He pushed his laptop away and slid into his bed, pulling the blankets up, the start of an anxiety attack creeping in. He could feel droplets starting to fall down the sides of his temples, wetting the pillow case underneath him. His breathing was uneasy and incredibly staggered and he found it difficult to catch his breath.

Louis held his phone in his hand and with blurry vision he found Harry's contact, hitting the little phone symbol. He didn't answer right away and Louis put a hand over his mouth to try and muffle the sounds of his steady crying. His phone lit up a couple minutes later with Harry's picture and Louis quickly slid the answer symbol.

"Are you okay?" Harry's first response was.

"No... no, no, no, can you come please?" Louis choked out, squeezing his eyes tightly shut.

"Babe, breathe," Harry said quickly. "I have 30 minutes left and I'll be right over can you hold on?" he asked. Louis sobbed out again not wanting to wait, shaking his head. Harry couldn't understand anything Louis tried to communicate. "Louis."

"I need you now," Louis finally managed to get out and Harry was quiet for a moment.

"Lou, grab your computer... put on Family Guy, watch something funny... I swear to you I will be right over after school..."

"Harry..." Louis tried to argue, but he couldn't pull Harry from class. "O-Okay..."

"Good..." Harry said quietly. "I'll be with you soon Louis... just remember to breathe, please? I'll be there soon..."

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