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32 minutes.

Harry gets settled in his desk and pulls his books out, no longer having the distraction of his boyfriend. The teacher gets up to stand in front of the class, his powerpoint ready. Harry rolls his eyes, mentally groaning out. He hates powerpoints, he hates having the teacher read off of boring notes when he can read himself and get through it faster. Harry blocks out the teacher as he starts talking and focuses on taking down key notes from the powerpoint. The front lights of the classroom are off so it's easier for kids to see what's on the screen. Harry is ahead of the notes, lowering his pencil as his teacher elaborates on the notes, which Harry does pay attention to.

Sighing, Harry glances over at the clock.


At least the time was going by quickly. He could be grateful for that. He could be grateful that there was only 50 minutes left of this class before he could be on his way home for the weekend. He lets out a sigh and continues to glance at the clock, regret filling his head as time seems to slow down with every glance.


Louis reads through his notes a couple of times before shutting his books and pulling out his phone for the rest of the period. He debates on whether or not he should text his boyfriend, but decides against it, not wanting him to be distracted. He would see him soon enough.


Harry sighs and watches the short clip his teacher had decided to show them about some point in history. He rests his chin in his hand and watches blankly. Time is creeping by incredibly slow and each second feels like another minute. Harry keeps glancing at the clock and bites his lip softly. He finds himself drifting off.

"Mr. Styles," his teacher speaks firmly and Harry looks over quickly, nodding his head. "I'll ask you to pay attention for this last little bit please?"

"Sorry, yeah," Harry nods and smiles softly, putting his attention back on his teacher and the lecture.


"You guys have the last 35 minutes of class to work on the assignment I handed out," Harry's teacher says before heading back to his desk.

Harry pulls out his pen and chews his lip softly, reading over the articles and switching back and forth with the questions.

Louis sits in the library listening to some music, his books all in his bag as he waits out the last 33 minutes of the school day. He hesitates to text his boyfriend because there was only a short period of time left. He would see him soon enough. He goes on his twitter and on his Instagram, liking a couple of pictures before switching over to a game, something to waste time. He glances around occasionally and notices other kids buried in their books, scrambling to get homework done before the weekend.

Nothing is out of the usual, everything is the same as it is every day.



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