Primary Fire Dragons

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Fire dragons are one of the more common species of dragon. They vary in size depending on which species of fire dragon you wish to examine, from the minute Ember dragon to the humongous Inferno dragon. However, they are renown for their fiery temper and sudden fits of passion. They can be found in scalding places like volcanos and can appear wherever there is a fire. This gives random, spontaneous access to virtually any corner of the globe.

Ember Dragons: These tiny specimens only reaches to about four inches long. They have three pairs of stubby legs and two sets of little wings that allow them to fly short distances. Their skin is charcoal black with various cracks in them, letting a lucky few a glimpse at their molten heart. Along their back is a trail of living flame, which grows and shrinks at will, and is an indicator of their health. They are very playful and mischievous, their favorite prank being lighting various items suddenly and without warning on fire, including toys, drapes, and even wigs. They generally eat bits of burned wood and charcoal, but are always grateful for a piece of meat every now and then. Though they prefer to spend their time inside lit hearths and fireplaces, these little rascals can spend a moderate amount of time outside their home to do impish tricks. Ember dragons are difficult to train and tame, but if you are successful, you will surely have a friend for life. Indeed, these devils can last up to seventy years, longer if they found a home with a steady supply of heat.

Fire Dragons: The normal fire dragon can be as small as a large housecat or else grow up to thirteen feet in length. Their appearance can vary tremendously, more than almost any other type of dragon. Usual colors are, of course, red with streaks of yellow or orange, black with red stripes, orange and yellow and even, on a few occasions, bright blue with white tips on their tail and wings. Fire dragons stand on four legs, but a few may only have two legs and an appearance similar to a wyvern, a distant cousin of the dragons. In the wild, they hunt in groups of two or three, usually with a mate and offspring, and eat large herbivores of different species, depending on where they currently live. Fire dragons are the most spontaneous, suddenly bursting into fury, then passion and back again in a relatively short amount of time. These dragons are highly territorial, guarding their vast lands with a watchful eye. Naturally, they can produce flames from their mouths and even their nostrils. Fire dragons usually live for up to one hundred fifty years, thanks to their surprisingly slow metabolisms.

Inferno Dragons: The inferno dragons. They are said to be direct descendants of the first fire dragons, and indeed contain much of their power. Usually depicted as made of living flames, inferno dragons can live for centuries. However, the majority of that is spent in a dormant state. When they do wake up, however, their appetites are unrivaled, and can consume entire forests and even cities in minutes. They usually rest in the heart of volcanoes, drawing on their homes' heat for power. Inferno dragons are unique in that they do not need to mate to reproduce. Their young are born within the very flames they use to eat. One would think that they could engulf the entire world. Thankfully, however, dragons emerging from the flames can only happen once every two hundred years, and even then, only about two or three inferno dragons are born. Despite being made of flame, they are the only of the primary fire dragons that can speak. Humans brave enough to venture into their lairs can learn a great deal from these dragons. All of these dragons are connected through the spiritual Plane of Fire, and a popular theory is that they all share one conscious, one mind, separated into hundreds of bodies. A more realistic theory is that they only share a joint consciousness with one another, still having individuality, but can communicate with one another through thoughts and memories.   

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