The Light Hybrids

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Light dragons, like the rest of the Primal Races, can breed with other dragon species, but normally stick with their own kind. This is mainly because besides an overall benevolence, light dragons have a hardwired instinct to preserve the next generation. This has ensured the survival of many pure light dragons for thousands of years. However, there are several cases where light dragons intermingle with other species and produce fantastical hybrids. All are rare, some more than others.

Mirage Dragons (Light and Air): Mirage dragons are the most common of all the light hybrids and can be found in any desert in the world. Having brilliant orange and gold scales, these dragons can reach up to twenty-five feet long, an incredible size given the environment. Mirage dragons get their name from their ability to create illusions and mirages. Like their air parents, mirage dragons change shape according to their mood, and are also very mischievous. A favorite, and rather cruel trick they like to play is create the mirage of an oasis to nomads of the desert. When they finally reach it, all they find is sand, sand, and more sand. However, when feeling benevolent and merciful, like their light dragon parents, mirage dragons lead said travelers to oases and springs of fresh water. They also like to play tricks on each other, scaring their siblings by creating illusions of monstrous figures. Ironically, their favorite monster illusion is the mummy. Mirage dragons don't normally need to eat, and need very little water. Training and taming mirage dragons is nearly impossible due to the fact that they're so hard to find in the first place. This may be because, in addition to their prodigal abilities in illusions, mirage dragons can also become intangible, and sink into the desert floor, and out of sight. No one knows exactly how long mirage dragons live, since they're so hard to find.

 Diamond Dragons (Earth and Light): These magnificent dragons are only found in deep underground, so far down that the very earth is practically steaming with heat. These dragons range in size from two feet long to up to seven feet. All diamond dragons, however, have the extraordinary ability to grow diamonds on their bodies! In fact, their scales are actually made of diamonds. Surprisingly, they come in a variety of colors, from sapphire blue to light pink and, naturally, the classic translucent. They mostly eat their namesake, diamonds, though if food is scarce, they will be satisfied with earth and stone. Food is not usually a problem, however, since diamond dragons can actually grow diamonds on their bodies at an incredible rate, several thousand times faster than nature. However, these dragons are very shy, and interaction with people is brief and rare. Like with crystal dragons, diamond dragons are said to only be at ease around blind people. Though diamond dragons are able to breed, it would also take a light dragon mating with a crystal dragon in order to produce these marvelous creatures. Because of their rarity and shy nature, taming and training has not been attempted, let alone accomplished. No one knows for sure how long diamond dragons live for, presumably for thousands of years.

Healer Dragons (Light and Water): Healer dragons are much sought after by all kinds of people, from dragonoligists to doctors to even kings and noblemen. It is not for the usual reasons of power and greed (not as much as other dragons), but because healer dragons are renowned for their, well, healing abilities. Everything about these dragons have miraculous powers in that respect; even parts of their physiology have remarkable healing properties, whether cooked, boiled, cut, crushed, juiced, or even eaten raw. Found in places where magical energy collects and pools, these dragons can reach up to fifteen feet in length. Their scales are usually sea blue or green, and they have a sort of aura or glow about them, as though saturated with supernatural energy. Healer dragons are entirely benevolent, and help anyone that is in need. Animals have been known to flock around healer dragons, either sick or injured, and just being in proximity to them heals them of their ailments. Very few people ever get a glimpse at a healer dragon, because they live in such remote areas, usually hidden from the outside world, and especially by the water. Healer dragons only eat vegetation, though sometimes they can go without eating at all. Technically, healer dragons are also immortal, since any injury they sustain is regenerated almost instantly, and their bodies don't age at maturity. Besides, no one is even willing to try and kill a healer dragon. It gives its own body parts willingly to those who need them, since it can just regrow said body part instantly.

Radiance Dragons (Fire and Light): Radiance dragons are one of the rarest dragon species ever known. Only a lucky few have ever seen a radiance dragon before, and their accounts are nothing short of divine in nature. All reports say that the radiance dragon reaches up to at least twenty feet in length, but a few claim it can stretch to over a hundred. No one can agree on exactly what color radiance dragon scales are, though most agree that the following colors are present: orange, scarlet, gold, and even electric blue. All agree that the radiance dragon gives off a blinding light that can be seen for miles. The light is so bright, in fact, that no one can even look directly at the dragon without suffering from blindness. Radiance dragons can be reportedly found deep in the heart of volcanoes or else high above the clouds. Some say they even live on the sun! No one knows what they eat or drink, and you can forget about trying to tame or train this dragon. However, despite the reputation of this near divine beat, there is still one even more rare, even more magnificent and powerful than even them...

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