Hybrids: Air and Earth

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The air and earth dragon hybrids are incredibly rare, even more than water-fire hybrids. This is because while fire and water has at least a few similarities, air and earth doesn't. They are total, complete opposites. However, love is a magic more powerful than any dragon or element, including its opposites, so these hybrids do actually exist.

Levitation Dragons: Levitation dragons are very rare and powerful air-earth hybrids. These dragons have both a stocky, strong scaled body and a mysterious power of air: telekinesis. Air dragons often have this power, though to a mild extent, and the best they can usually do is throw objects around (many more cheat by using gusts of wind). In the case of the levitation dragon, this power of the mind is increased greatly, so much as they have control over it almost straight from birth. They use their mind power for just about everything: feeding, playing, even mating. Combined with the wisdom of the earth, the telekinetic power of levitation dragons is fearsome indeed. But, these gentle giants, which reach up to thirty feet in length, are very laid back and have almost no aggression whatsoever. Tales from a far away village state that a levitation often comes near the village boundaries and lets the children play on its body, or else use its mind power to launch them into the lake nearby. With the power of telekinesis almost anything can be food for this dragon, though they love crystals and cooked food the most. Levitation dragons do possess the power of speech, and make great company for just about everyone. On occasion, they do like to pull the impish tricks air dragons live for, and will use their powers to move various items around a house or else write messages on a wall. But, all in all, levitation dragons are more like their earth parents, and can live for hundreds and hundreds of years. Taming and training is a theoretical possibility, but it's never been tested due to the fact of how rare levitation dragons are.

Particle Dragons: Particle dragons are another rare air-earth hybrid. This species of dragon is extraordinary in the fact that its body is made up of millions of tiny particles! Tiny little specks as large as a grain of sand in the millions controlled by one central conscious. The closest thing that can compare to this beauty is the school dragon (found in the chapter "Primary Water Dragons"). Because of their unique physiology, measuring particle dragons is impossible, but we do know that they can change their size by manipulating how many and how far apart the particles are. Often they take the form of a magnificent Asian Lung, but can take the shape of any dragon it chooses, as long as it isn't too big. What the particle dragon actually eats is not known for sure, but dragonologists believe that the particle dragon does not actually eat or drink. Instead, it adds more particles to its body mass. This is probably why these dragons can be found near beaches and sandy dunes. After all, a beach or desert is a guaranteed supply of particles. These dragons take after their air dragon parent more than the earth parent in terms of temperament. Particle dragons have been known to suddenly erupt in a furious rage, turning their bodies into sand storms! However, they also are usually free spirited and care free, and love playing with children. Taming and training particle dragons has never been accomplished to date. These dragons can live up to a thousand years, so long as a strong gust of wind doesn't blow their bodies away.

Arid Dragons: These air-earth hybrids are the most common of them all, and are found in arid deserts all over the world. Which is much more expansive than normally thought, because as well as hot deserts, arid dragons can be found in cold ones as well. Think Antarctica. That's right, arid dragons are one of the few dragon species native to Antarctica. These dragons are slightly different compared to their hot desert counterparts, such as the fact that they are the only dragons species to have fur. Thick, dark brown, shaggy fur covers Antarctican arid dragons from head to toe. But the hot desert variety are more common, and have dark, spotted skin akin to a bearded dragon's (which is in fact, a lizard and not an actual dragon species). These dragons can reach up to fifteen feet in length and have fat, stubby tails full of fat in case they have to go without eating. But these dragons have little to fear in that area. They're omnivorous and will eat just about anything. In Antarctica, that means penguins, seals, even small whales! But in the desert, the menu is much more varied, with cactus fruits, grasses, small insects and lizards, and mammals like jackals. One has been known to even take down and eat an emu! Arid dragons are shy creatures and prefer remote locations and as little human contact as possible. However, they have made friends with the Aboriginals that live around their homes, and will often grace its presence in the home that has a new baby. Arid dragons are suckers for babies. They can take on a fearsome appearance when need be by growing sharp thorns and spikes all across their bodies. But, arid dragons can also do the reverse and make them soft to the touch. These dragons can live for hundreds of years, and are impossible to tame or train.         

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