Primary Air Dragons

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The air dragons are, no doubt, the most mischievous of all the Primal Races. The love practical jokes and have a good, sometimes twisted, sense of humor. They can be found all around the world where air is present. Which is basically anything out of the water. Air dragons, as a general rule of thumb, have temperaments as random and spontaneous as the winds themselves, even more so than fire dragons. They are, over all, very friendly when they want to be. Like water dragon, they can change their shape. If they're seen, that is. Air dragons are the only species of dragon known that can turn invisible.

There are no definite species of primary air dragons. Since they can change their shape and are rarely seen half the time anyway, there's no way to tell if one species is different than the other. A part of their physiology that their shape and behavior changes in certain situations, like when they're angry or when a storm is blowing. For classification purposes, that is how we shall distinguish air dragon.

Breeze Dragons: Air dragons in this particular state are calm and at ease with the world. They're carefree and go literally where the wind takes them. Normally they stay invisible, but when they do decide to show themselves they have silver-blue scales. Their bodies are slim and stream like, with two large main wings and a smaller set near their tails. All air dragons eat insects (in this particular state, that is), birds and even bats and flying fish. "Breeze dragons" are the most friendly and helpful, blowing away clouds to let sunshine in, providing a cool breeze, or putting wind in the sails of becalmed ships. But even in this state air dragons are impossible to train or tame. They're free spirited, and won't let anything or anyone tether them to earth. A unique ability that these dragons have is their strange way of communication. They like to gather around places popular to humans and pick up bits and pieces of their conversation. These fragments literally carry on the wind these dragons generate, and by repeating those phrases and words air dragons can communicate with one another and humans.

Gust Dragons: Air dragons in the "gust" state are more powerful and mischievous than in their "breeze" form. They can create powerful gusts of wind to knock people down, fly papers into people's faces, and even create mild tornadoes in the middle of the living room. "Gust" dragons prefer large, populated cities where they can rush through alleys and street corners and work their mischief. Gust dragons can literally dissolve into wind and sneak through the tiniest cracks and holes. Also, they can unleash ghostly moans and howls that scare the daylights out of anyone nearby. As in their "breeze" form, air dragons in "gust" form can mimic and pick up on human voices. They even understand what we say. Gust dragons are said to have mild telekinesis, able to pick up objects with their mind and throw them at people. About half the haunted places around the world are just the lairs of air dragons looking to scare people. Despite their antics, air dragons in this state are harmless. They don't ever want to hurt or kill people. But when they're angry...that's another story.

Storm Dragons: Air dragons in their storm state is like a toddler having a meltdown. Except these toddlers are really dragons that can make tornadoes strong enough to uproot large trees and tear houses to rubble. When an air dragon is in its storm state, that is when it's at its largest, most powerful, and most dangerous. Thunder is its roar; the howl and shriek of the winds are its cries. Flying craft caught near a storm dragon are in terrible peril. Sometimes these storms can last four minutes, hours, even days. However, no one truly knows what can anger air dragons. No one can destroy air, so it's home isn't threatened. If a high structure was made in an air dragon's territory, the air dragon could just climb higher still, out of sight and reach. There are some theories on what can cause an air dragon to become enraged. Air pollution could stir an air dragon to morph to its storm state. Air dragons also have a very strong sense of kinship. Family members attacked or killed somehow could cause an air dragon to erupt into fury. Until we learn more, however, we just have to assume air dragons' tempers are as flighty as air itself, changing without warning from one thing to another.  

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