Chapter 1 ( Eradescent )

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" Everybody put your motherfucking hands up." I heard a man say I was in my room when I heard the door bust open and someone scream those words. I hid in the closet scared as ever. I was hyperventilating and I was trying to calm down so they wouldn't hear me breathing too hard. I only had on my black boy shorts, a pink tank top and a bonnet on top of my head. I couldn't see so It was no point in finding any clothes.

                  " Search the house " I heard the man say he must've been the leader

" Noone's here" My mom lied only for my bennifit. I could hear footsteps come closer to my room. I heard my door creak open.

" I know someone's in here so you might as well come out. I won't hurt you ." the man said When I didn't come out I heard the man slowly walk to my closet and open my closet door. I closed my eyes and waited for the worse.

" You don't listen " he said snatching me up. He escorted me to the front. My mom sat on her knees with a gun point to her head.  " Oh God...... My baby" She cried          

I showed no weakness, no tears, nothing. On the outside I was brave but in the inside I cried help a thousand times.

" So you lied to me" The man who I guess was the leader asked. His helper held on to my arm tightly.

                                                                  " Bring her here"

The man who was holding my arm almost dragged me towards the other stranger. The man took me from the guy's grip and held me tightly around my neck.

" I should kill her for disloyalty " The man said pointing the the gun to my forehead. My mom cried harder.

                                       " click " I closed my eyes when I heard the gun's click .

" Alright nomore games. I'm sick of playing them. Elaine give me the money or your pretty daughter is gone like that white husband of yours. " He said getting right to the point

      " I....I only have seven hundred dollars but I think we can work something out." My mom said

      " Sex is not an option, I think you did enough of that Elaine. " He shook his head then smirked

              " See what drugs do. I'm gonna take the money and give you another option "

                                          " Thank God " My mom said regaining hope

" Someone has to make a sacriface. Either you or your daughter. Choose wisely. " He smiled

This nigga loved his game that he was playing. He was the devil in person. I could feel his manhood grow against my butt and I immediatly got uncomfortable all over again.

                 " I love you Eri . I always have. " My mom said I knew she was saying her last goodbyes and I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

" Ma, don't " I whined I turned to the man. " Kill me instead " He looked at me surprised. I was willing to die because I wasn't afraid of death. I knew that it would hurt for awhile but then it would be peaceful.

" Eri your young. Let me go. You have a whole life ahead of you. I've lived my life, kill me. " she said

                                                                    " Ma I don't want - "

                                                                " POW! , POW! , POW! "

   Three shots hit my mother's chest and I fell to the floor. It was as if he had shot me.

                                           " I didn't even get to say goodbye " I said to myself

" I didn't even get to say goodbye ! " I yelled The man looked at me unfazed by my actions. I looked at the other man. He was cleaning what was left of my mom.

                                                         " Go get your stuff " the man said

                                                                           " What " I cried

" You didn't possible think I was gonna leave you here. "  I didn't say nothing. " Go get your stuff "

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