Chapter 5 ( Roc )

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When I woke up I was lying next to the most beautifulest girl in the world. She was still sound asleep. I watched her as her chest went up and slowly down. I took my hand and moved the strand of hair out of her face. She was so beautiful. Eradescent really did something that no woman could do. she stole my heart. I don't want to sound all lovey dovey but she made me want to be a better person. I remember when we talked about my lifestyle.

                                                        *** Flashback ***

" So you kill people. " Eradescent asked worried

" No, Our goons take care of all that kinda stuff for us. " I said getting ready to meet with my connect Mr. Sergio. I didn't really want to tell her that I killed people just to get a point crossed. I didn't want Eradescent to think I was some kind of monster. I would never want to change her perspective of me.

" Let me get this right. You and your brother are in the same game together, with the same soildiers. What happens if your brother wants to turn on you. " 

" Relax Eri, my brother may be crazy but he wouldn't do that. " I said

" Yea okay. " she said giving me a look. " What's your plans in life Roc. What have you wanted to be besides this. You can't do this all your life." 

" You don't understand. This how I eat. " I said. I've been in the game since I was fourteen and I never thought of quitting. I didn't have a real family or no baby to take care of. At first Ameen and I were doing it because we didn't have no one to clothe and feed us so we had to do it on our own. Our mom wasn't on drugs or no shit like that, she was just lazy as fuck. She was one of those type of moms who didn't want to be no mom and wasn't one. Ameen hated his mom because of that but I never had hate in my heart, so I didn't hate her I just didn't care too much of her. 

" Everyone has they're story. I mean you got to know they're story to know why they do what they do. You do know I would never judge you in any kind of way. I'm just say'n if you can run a drug business why not run a respectable business. All you need is the right tools and someone by your side. I don't want you to go to jail just to see that this ain't worth it. " she said. She left the room leaving what she said in the air to settle in my mind. She was right but I just wasn't quite ready.


" Hustle, Hustle, Hustle, Hard. Closed mouths don't get fed on this boulevard. " I quickly answered the phone so it wouldn't wake Eradescent up. 

" Wasup. " I whispered answering the phone.

" You wanna know what sup. I wake up, go into the kitchen and you wanna know what I found? " My brother asked.

" What. " I asked thinking somebody was trying to stick up my brother. 

" I found no breakfast cooking. " 

I laughed at my brother but when I realized he wasn't laughing with me I stopped.

" What damn club y'all go to all day and night. " he asked

" Look man, we're on our way. " I said hanging up. I didn't know what was my brother's problem. He treated Eri like she was his servant but all that was gonna stop today since Eri is my girl. I don't know why Ameen wanted to keep Eri in the first place but I'm glad I did because I would have never fell in love with you. I shook Eri's shoulder lightly so I could wake her. She turned on her side and fell in a light sleep. 

" Bay, wakeup. " I said shaking her lightly again.

" It's time to get up already. " she said still keeping her eyes closed.

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