Chapter 4 ( Eradescent )

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When Roc came to pick me up I was looking hella fly. I had on a gold mini dress that showed my flashy legs and all. I wet my hair so it would curl up and give it a club look. My hair was alright, make up was tight and my dress was banging. Roc looked ok in his casual but dressy jeans and striped shirt. Roc looked at me in awe as I came down the stairs looking like a run way model. I never really  went to clubs or anything like that so I was kinda excited as to where Roc would be taking me.

" You look beautiful. " he commented

" Thank you. you don't look that bad your self. " I smiled. Roc was dressed so casual I started to think maybe my attire wasn't so appropriate.

 " Where y'all going all dressed up. " Ameen said coming out of his hole. Why does he have to ruin our moment. He eyed me down, licked his lips and returned his eyes to Roc.

" We're celebrating." Roc smiled and glanced at me. He stopped and looked back at a confused Ameen.

" Celebrating what." Ameen frowned. This nigga makes me sick, but I knew he would'nt remember my birthday. I mean it wasn't like I was bragging about it all week, dumb motha fucka.

" You really don't know that it's Eradescent's birthday today, Do you? " 

" No I didn't and I don't care but don't forget we got business to take care of in the morning, ight." Ameen said going back into the hole he came out of. Roc shook his head. Ameen made my skin itch and I think Roc knew that by now.

" Don't worry about him. You know how he can get at times." Roc said 

Roc took the limo this time. I guess to make our appearance look formal. He took me to one of those elegant clubs downtown. The place was crowded. When we got inside there were chandeliers, nice gold decorated tables and a big dance floor. This place didn't seem like a club it was more like a ball.

" This place looks expensive Roc. " I said referring to the place.

" No, it's not. This is your day. Nothing is ever too expensive." he said grabbing my hand gently. I loved Roc's attentive nature. It was sexy. I changed my mind, I think Roc and I would make a cute couple. I mean he's hot, I'm hot, why the fuck not. I also had to understand that reality didn't always live up to the one plotted in your head. 

" Let's dance." Roc said guiding me to the dance floor.

" This is a slow song. I can't show you my moves on this song. "

He gave me a look. Roc guided me to the middle of the floor. No one was on the floor yet so I kinda got nervous. I knew no one was really watching us but in my head we were the entertainment. I never liked being the center of attention.

  " Relax Eri. " Roc whispered. We slowly danced round and round, side to side. Out of nowhere Roc pulled me closer. I was stunned at first but I went with the flow. I could smell his cologne. It was something I couldn't identify but it smelled too good. I inhaled deeply and let his smell trigger my senses. This was why I should've rejected this dance. All my feelings for him started to make me want him more. My head level was to his neck. He was only a few inches taller than me.  I got real comfortable and laid my cheek on his shoulder and closed my eyes. Like I knew would happen my body took over the dance. My worries about the looks that really weren't there erased and I only thought about how he felt so damn good holding me right now.The song ended and we started to walk towards our table. They didnt have no food here but all the drinks you could think of. I wasn't really hungry anyway but it would've been nice if I could get something in my stomach. I wasn't a heavy drinker, in fact I never really tasted alcohol in my life but I wasn't gonna try today.

" What will guys be drinking tonight." the waitress asked kily.

" Give me a Remy and......." Roc stated as he waited for me to finish his request.

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