Chapter 3 ( Eradescent )

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                                                               ( six months later )


Life here wasn't what I expected. There's no luxury, not for me that is. I hated that Ameen thought I was his damn maid. I was a prisoner here, at least that's what I figured. I never really asked to leave but I just figured the answer would be no. If I did leave where'd I go. I never questioned Ameen though. I cooked, cleaned, but the reason I did all that was because I didn't want him to expect anything. Roc didn't live here but he came over a lot. I learned that Ameen and Roc were brothers. Roc also became my friend. Roc was different than Ameen. Ameen was wicked and Roc didn't seem to even think mean but you know what they say you never really know someone until they show they're real colors. Ameen knew he didn't have to kill my mother. If I had a known about my mother's debt then I would've helped. He was one of those men who just killed to kill. Unlike Roc who was calm and who understood me and I understood him. That's how he I became friends. I remember when he showed me his caring heart.

                                                                        * Flash back *      

when Ameen showed me the room I'd be staying in, I slammed the door and cried. I lay ed on the bed and cried. I cried because of my mom and because I didn't want to be here

                                               " KNOCK -KNOCK ! "

   " Go away " I yelled. Not listening to my request like anyone ever does Roc came in anyway. 

I said go away ! " I yelled again suffocating myself into the pillows.

" I understand but I just wanted to say that what went down today I didn't know anything about."

" I Bet " I said. I didn't believe him because if he didn't know nothing about it then why didn't he stop it from happening. 

" I just wanted to say sorry about your moms. " he said. I didn't say anything I just kept my face in the pillows." Look, your gonna be here for awhile. If anything happens that your not comfortable with  then let me know . " he said. I didn't say anything but I did appreciate his kindness.


" What sup Eri " Roc smiled coming into the kitchen and grabbing a apple from the basket on the table. 

                   " Hey Roc. " I smiled back. Roc and I became good friends ever since then.

                   " What are we having for breakfast. " he asked sitting at the table with me

                                              " I don't know Ameen didn't wake up yet. " 

" Well, I'm sure whatever you cook he'll enjoy. " Roc said just finishing his apple. He was a big eater.

              " I guess your right. " I got up from the table and got the ingredients to make an egg and bacon sandwich.

                   " Roc how come you ain't got a girl. " I asked putting the toast in the toaster.

 " I don't know why but what are you doing for your birthday." he asked totally ignoring my question.

                   " How'd you know that my birthday was......coming up." I asked suspicious

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