Chapter 7 ( Eradescent )

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When I woke up Ameen was gone. My body ached and I had a huge headache. I snuck downstairs- scared to bump into Ameen to get some water and take some aspirin. When I turned around I saw the person I been wanting to see all day.

" Surprise ! " Roc shouted. " Hey baby. You miss me. " Roc kissed me on the forehead. I didn't say nothing I just forced a smile. I wanted to leap into his arms and cry. I missed Roc, I really did but my heart hurt. I wanted to know why he left me with the beast.

" Bay, what's wrong, you alright. " he asked. A million words climbed up my throat but didn't make it out. I felt broken, useless, alone, confused, betrayed, fragile, on the verge of tears, depressed, about to break down, pathetic, distant, lonely, bitter, crushed, disgusted, empty, defeated, but I could only force out one word that didn't really matched how I was really feeling.

" Fine. " I said forcing another smile. I was forcing the tears to stay inside.

" Okay, well you don't look too good. You sure you ight. " he asked. I shook my head yes.

" You seen my brother. "

" I don't want to know where he is. As long as he not around me."

" Hey Roc ! What are you doing back so early. "

" Mr.Sergio was open to the deal so fast so I came home." Roc said.

" That's good. " Ameen said. He gave me a half smile and my face dropped. Roc caught our vibe but ignored it. I was feeling really nervous around Ameen.

" Look, we about to leave, you need something. " Roc asked.

" No, y'all have fun. " Ameen smirked. I swear he was the devil's son.

When we were getting ready to leave Ameen's house I felt like I was about to break down in Roc's car. It was getting hard to breathe because I was holding all my emotions in. Roc started to take the normal route to his house, immediately getting on the highway.

" I missed you so much. " Roc said. I flashed him a half smile. " So what do you want to do today. " Roc asked. " I was thinking maybe we'll go see that new movie thats out and grab something to eat."

I didn't say nothing. I wasn't really listening to him I had a thousand things going on in my mind but it wasn't about what he was talking about. I couldn't hold in my tears any longer, they started to fall.

" Bay, what's wrong. " Roc asked giving me a worried look.  " Is it that time of month? Your just so emotional today."

I still didn't say nothing but I gave him a look. My eyes were telling him everything and more.

" I needed you. He raped me, took my pride. He took every drop of self esteem I had and I feel like someone cut open my heart and pissed in it. I want him dead. I hate him! "

He looked at me puzzled trying to figure me out. " Eri are you pregnant. Look, I can't help if your not letting me in. What's going -. "

" Ameen raped me. " I managed to say.

" What ! " he said pulling over and stopping the car.

" Ameen......he raped me. " I cried. " You were gone and he held me down and raped me. Baby, he hurt me, he hurt me so...bad. I needed you to be there like you would normally ,but you weren't there. You weren't there. " I said. I was crying so hard I don't think he could really make out what I was trying to say. I turned myself towards the window. I didn't want to look at his face because from his expression said he didn't believe me. He didn't say nothing but he began to drive, still making his way to his house. There was silence on the rest of the way to his house. When we pulled up to the driveway Roc handed me the keys.

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